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RMAN Backup falling with 6 error

Level 4

Hi Team,


Master server is running with 6.5.6 Netbackup version and OS-Solaris 10


Media server running with NetBackup-RedHat2.6 6.5

Backup is falling with the 6 error

Error bphdb



18:14:47.945 [5716] <2> logparams: -sb -rdbms oracle -S south-nbumast-01 -to 600 -c cnmlw-r620-17-rman -s cnmlw-r620-17-rman -clnt cnmlw-r620-17-bsn -FULL -kl 14 -b cnm
lw-r620-17-bsn_1392056084 -jobid 2829603
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - setenv NB_ORA_POLICY=cnmlw-r620-17-rman
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - setenv NB_ORA_CLIENT=cnmlw-r620-17-bsn
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - setenv NB_ORA_MODE=B
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - NB_ORA_POLICY=cnmlw-r620-17-rman
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - NB_ORA_SCHED not defined.
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - NB_ORA_PC_SCHED=cnmlw-r620-17-rman
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - NB_ORA_SERV=south-nbumast-01
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - NB_ORA_PC_BTYPE not set
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - setenv NB_ORA_FULL=1
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - setenv NB_ORA_INCR=0
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - setenv NB_ORA_CINC=0
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb main: INF - setenv NB_ORA_SCHEDULED=1
18:14:47.945 [5716] <4> bphdb sync_server: INF - BACKUP START
18:14:47.981 [5716] <4> bphdb sync_server: INF - CONTINUE BACKUP message received.
18:14:47.982 [5716] <2> bphdb get_filelist: INF - Read filename: </opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids>
18:14:47.982 [5716] <2> bphdb get_filelist: INF - Read filename: <CONTINUE>
18:14:47.982 [5716] <4> bphdb do_backup: INF - Processing /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids
18:14:47.982 [5716] <4> bphdb keepalive_timeout: INF - bphdb still working.
18:14:47.982 [5716] <2> bphdb keepalive_timeout: INF - bphdb- Sending a keepalive.
18:14:47.982 [5716] <4> bphdb do_backup: INF - Keepalives will be sent every 300 seconds.
18:14:47.982 [5716] <4> bphdb do_backup: INF - Waiting for the child status.
18:14:47.982 [5717] <4> bphdb do_backup: INF - Child executing /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids
18:14:47.983 [5717] <32> bphdb do_backup: FTL - Child exec of /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids failed.
18:14:47.983 [5717] <32> bphdb do_backup:    errno = 2: No such file or directory
18:14:47.983 [5717] <16> bphdb Exit: ERR - bphdb exit status = 29: failed trying to exec a command

18:14:47.983 [5717] <4> bphdb Exit: INF - EXIT STATUS 29: failed trying to exec a command

18:14:47.985 [5716] <16> bphdb do_backup: ERR - Script exited with status = 29 <failed trying to exec a command>
18:14:47.985 [5716] <16> bphdb Exit: ERR - bphdb exit status = 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files

18:14:47.985 [5716] <4> bphdb Exit: INF - EXIT STATUS 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files


Partner    VIP    Certified

please show us the output of below command from the client

ls -l /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids

Level 6

Hi Viran,

Looks like a permission issue

<16> bphdb do_backup: ERR - Script exited with status = 29 <failed trying to exec a command>

Check permissions on the script to ensure they are "owner oracle group dba   rwxr-xr-x"

Please provide the necessary permissions and refresh the services and try again the backup.

Below is the refernce link: /business/support/index?page=content&id=TECH18717


If its nt the permission issue and you need any assistance please provide us more details like did the backup run any time successful?new set up? is OS backup completing successful?

provide dbclient,bpbkar and bphdb logs as well thq

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

More info please:

What is OS and NBU version on the client?

Were NBU sample scripts used to config backups or did dba create own script?
Is there a 'su - <oracle-user> ..... ' in the script to ensure rman commands run with correct permissions?

What exactly is the role of this file/script?

Are you aware of the fact that NBU 6.x reached EOSL in Oct 2012?

Partner    VIP   

Script /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids  is ending with non status code 0 that leads Netbackup to throw a status 29.

  • Run the script by hand (if possible)
  • Watch out for error messages in the script - it may be a simple thing like a malformed date string.
  • Verify accounts is not locked or password is not expired.

Level 4

[root@cnmlw-r620-17 /]# ls -l /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 325 Dec 19 11:05 /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids
[root@cnmlw-r620-17 /]#

Level 4

Hi Nicolas,


I have ran like is that correct


[root@cnmlw-r620-17 lnk]# /bin/sh parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids

Resource Name                            Resource Type  Target       State        Node            State Details
---------------------------------------- -------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------
ora.DATA.dg                              diskgroup      ONLINE       ONLINE       cnmlw-r620-17
ora.FRA.dg                               diskgroup      ONLINE       ONLINE       cnmlw-r620-17
ora.LISTENER.lsnr                        Listener       ONLINE       ONLINE       cnmlw-r620-17
ora.asm                                  ASM            ONLINE       ONLINE       cnmlw-r620-17   Started
ora.cssd                                 cssd           ONLINE       ONLINE       cnmlw-r620-17
ora.diskmon                              diskmon        OFFLINE      OFFLINE
ora.evmd                                 evm            ONLINE       ONLINE       cnmlw-r620-17
ora.ons                                  Ora Notif Svc  OFFLINE      OFFLINE
ora.opintl1.db                           database       ONLINE       ONLINE       cnmlw-r620-17   Open


Level 4

Hi Marriane,

OS - Linux

Netbackup version 6.5


more /opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/lnk/parent_btm_instance.ksh.allsids
# Created by  :   BTM_TOP/bin/config.btm.ksh
# Command line:   config.btm.ksh -a OPINTL1 -c bs1 -d 11g -e 1
# Date Created:   13-09-27_10.21.37

#backup all databases when a file like BTM_TOP/dat/INSTANCE.sid exists
/bin/su - oracle -c \
   "/opt/oracle/local/BtmConfig/bin/execute.backup.ksh -a -t database"

Partner    VIP    Certified

how about running the script manually..

does it getting successfull?

Level 6

Looks like it finds the script, but is missing something within it , or cant access something within it.

Is ksh in /usr/bin/ksh? Same goes for everything else. As Nagella says, if you run it manually what happens?

Does the executebackup ksh exist, with correct perms?


Level 4

We have done modification to the script running and its running but after child streams triggering its falling with 241

Parent stream is completing





channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_2: starting incremental level 1 datafile backup set channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_2: specifying datafile(s) in backup set input datafile file number=00008 name=+DATA/opintl1/datafile/oi_runtime_1.264.827066299 input datafile file number=00006 name=+DATA/opintl1/datafile/oi_historical.262.827066111 input datafile file number=00004 name=+DATA/opintl1/datafile/undotbs1.259.827065965 input datafile file number=00002 name=+DATA/opintl1/datafile/system.257.827065899 input datafile file number=00009 name=+DATA/opintl1/datafile/oi_runtime_2.265.827066495 channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_2: starting piece 1 at 12-FEB-14 RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_SBT_TAPE_1 channel at 02/12/2014 18:14:50 ORA-19506: failed to create sequential file, name="OPINTL1_1896296593_bfp0f2s1_1_1", parms="" ORA-27028: skgfqcre: sbtbackup returned error ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text: VxBSACreateObject: Failed with error: Server Status: the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1 disabled, job failed on it will be run on another channel RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_SBT_TAPE_2 channel at 02/12/2014 18:14:50 ORA-19506: failed to create sequential file, name="OPINTL1_1896296593_bgp0f2s1_1_1", parms="" ORA-27028: skgfqcre: sbtbackup returned error ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text: VxBSACreateObject: Failed with error: Server Status: the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request Recovery Manager complete.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Server Status: the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request

Have a look at the rman script - is NBU policy or schedule hard-coded?

Check that correct policy/schedule is specified in the script.

The schedule in the script (NB_ORA_SCHED) must be Application Backup schedule.

Level 6
 the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request channel
Above error shows, the schedule mentioned in script and policy has some difference.
Modify the schedule name as exactly it is in policy.

Level 6

Have you done the necessary linking step? Theres a symlink ...I mention it as it often gets missed.
