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Replace Media Netbackup for the Firstime

Level 3

We are running the media tapes for almost a year now and we want to replace some other tapes for archiving purposes.  I am newbee to this and I would like to ask for an assistance regarding the proper procedure or steps in replacing tape media.

We are using netbackup 



Level 6
Employee Accredited

Simply, eject the media you want to archive (this has data so we don't delete them) - they will show as robot NONE meaning they are no longer in a robot.

Then, add more media to the library, and run an inventory from NetBackup

Level 3

Thanks Martin,


I will just simple eject the Mag then replace the media tape? or do i need to eject from netbackup first before removing media tape from the mag?

sorry my question sounds stupid but because im just newbee with this software.



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Simply select the media in NBU, right click move, then put them all in standalone. 

Go to the robot and take them out.


You can do it with "eject" from NetBackup but its a ttwo step process and depending on the size of your CAP (import / export slot) you might have to go back and forth many times. Make sure no backups are running when you do this. At least not to the media you're trying to eject.....clearly :)

Level 6
Employee Accredited

You can do as Riaan suggests, or if there are many many tapes you could just open up the library and take them out, close the library and then (very important), run a inventory from NBU, this will move the tapes removed  to the NONE state (which equates to 'not in a robot' / ejected).

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please tell us the make/model tape library you are using.

And tell us what exactly you are referring to as 'Mag'.

Ejecting/removing tapes from the robot and ejecting from NBU may be different depending on whether your tape library has a CAP/MAP (cartridge/media access port) or not.

Level 3


Marianne the model we are using is Storagetek SL 150




Inventorying the Tapes using Java GUI (It will be similar on Windows GUI)

Login to Master Server Java GUI and go to Robots, right click the robot for which you want to do the inventory and select Inventory Robot


Select the correct device host and Robot to perform the inventory.  Select volume configuration (no need to select any advanced option), Make sure to Check the "Empty media access port prior to update" because for  NetBackup we are pulling the medias from access port . Click Start.

tmp2.PNG Sorry for bad Graphics :)

Inventory will take some time depending upon the number of medias so wait until you see result

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
I still don't know what you are referring to as a 'Mag' but your tape library has a CAP. So, eject from NBU will also eject from the robot. Tapes will be placed in the CAP from where you can remove the tapes. Check your robot docs to know how many slots are in the CAP.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
