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Restoring a SqlServer Database

Level 4

Hello Everybody

I am performing a SqlSever restore and it´s failing with the messages from the Activity Monitor:

Error bpbrm socket read failed: errno=62 - Timer expired
the restore failed to recover the request files (5)
From the Windows clint side the error showed is:
TIMESTAMP 20131114085544
CLIENT bancoerp2
INSTANCE bancoerp2
INFO Server Status:  Communication with the server has not been initiated or the server status has not been retrieved from the server.
INFO Error in VxBSAGetData: 3.
INFO System detected error, operation aborted.
My SqlServer is 2005, running in Windows Server 2003.
My Netbackup Server is 6.5.6 running in Solaris 10.
Can anyone help me?
Alexandre Andrich



Accepted Solutions

Level 4


I was talking to my SQLServer DBA and he told me that the restore should be done to a differente server that contains a SQL instance installed.

This solved the case.


View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Where are you running this from?

It needs to be run from the client via the NetBackup SQL GUI

You also need to ensure that no one is accessing the database in question

Give us more detail of exactly what you have done so that we can assist further

Any logs would also assist

Level 4


I am restoring from the Netbackup Database Extension GUI from the client.

In this GUI I have chosen

1)Restore SQL Server Objects (F3)

2)Backup History Options

3)Then I find my backup list and I have select the date I need

4) Manage Scripts Files (F4)

5)Then I save the script and I have modified it, seting a new PAth for the restore;

6) Then I select the script and fire START

All this actions are performed in clint side.

So a Restore job starts at Netbackup server. This job take the tape, start reading the tape and so it fails with error 5.

What log do you need? I heve attached the dbclient. Take a look please.



Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Could we see your edited script file please

The log seems to indicate that it restired the database but then crashed out - possibly in trying to mount it / add it to SQL

What do you see in the directiry it was being restored to and in SQL Studio?

Had the original database been removed first?

Level 4


I am restoring to a different place from the Sql folder, then my DBA will take this files and aplly in a Test Database.

When I start the script, it creates in the folder the two specified files, but the restore fails.

The scripts follow attached.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

There are some long time gaps while this is running between the operations

It could well be that during the restore running it hits a timeout

It looks like the restore does actually work OK but it shows a failure as the client connect / readout timer has expired and so the job never gets its final status

I am guessing that the restored files are actually OK

If so then increase the client read and client connect timeouts on the Media Server and Client handling the restore and hopefully that will resolve the final status messages - try 3600 for both and try it again (but it looks like the restored files should actually be OK)

Hoep this helps

Level 4


The weird is that my restore takes 10 (ten) minuts to give me the error and cretae the files, but the biggest file is a 100GB files. And my Netbackup generally takes 1 hour to restore 100GB.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

A single 100GB file will always restore way faster than 100GB of document files - so maybe it is just that?

The log indicates that the process is taking much longer than that but maybe i have read the logs wrong - could we see the full text of the job detailed status

Level 4


I was talking to my SQLServer DBA and he told me that the restore should be done to a differente server that contains a SQL instance installed.

This solved the case.
