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SAP backup is giving error

Level 2

Dear All,

I am trying to take the backup of SAP with netbackup and for this reason i create a policy(sap_backuptest)  with SAP type in Netbackup. I also make the necessary settings according to information in "Veritas Netbackup for SAP Administrator's Guide for Unix".

I scheduled a backup for this policy and I manually started a backup and i can see that two schedules is running at the same time. One is Default-Application-Backup and the other is  Automatic Full Backup. Default application backup is finishing with success but full automatic backup is giving error just after the  completion Default-Application-Backup schedule.

My questions:

a) Is it normal to see these two schedules running together for automatic backups? this is an automatic backup but also i can see that default-application-backup is running at the same time with full automatic backup schedule.

b)Where can i see more detailed logs of this failed backup schedule?


Level 6

a) yes, this is normal

b) status 6 is generic database backup error.  you need to review the output fiel on the client to determine the real trouble.

Level 2

Thanks for the prompt reply but Which file do i need to check from the client side?  Normally SAP is creating a log file for each backup attempts and in my situation SAP is creating only one file and this file is containing the information related to Default-Application-Backup schedule, therefore the content of this file is not useful for me.

Is there any specific netbackup log for this problem which i can check?

Level 6

log destination should defined in the backint script

Partner    VIP   

Delete the Default-Application-Backup policy. If a SAP policy has more than one automatic backup schedule it will start both of the when the backup window open.

If you do not want to delete the default application policy, then remove the opening windows for that schedule.

Debugs logs: Create /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/backint and bphdb. 

Chapter 7 in the Netbackup SAP admin guide provide help as well.

Level 2

Nicolai, there is only one automatic backup schedule in the policy. You can see in the attachment.

Just as a test i try to remove the default application schedule, the result is the error  that you can see below:


18:11:33.818 [14708] <16> bsa_InitiateBackup: ERR - Unable to CreateNewImage
18:11:34.817 [14704] <16> bsa_a_backup_completed: ERR - child <14708> backup failed: 240 <no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy>
I was expecting this result, in the manual it was mentioned that default application backup shedule should exist in the schedule.
I checked the log file in backint folder but i was not able to find a specific error for failed full automatic backup schedule.

Level 5
Partner Certified


Can we have below logs:

install_path\NetBackup\logs\bpbackupinstall_path\NetBackup\logs\bpbkar32install_path\NetBackup\logs\bphdbinstall_path\NetBackup\logs\bprestoreinstall_path\NetBackup\logs\tar32install_path\NetBackup\logs\backint99 Troubleshooting NetBackup reports

For example:

cd install_path\NetBackup\logsmkdir bphdb

2 (Conditional) If you are running NetBackup for SAP on Oracle with RMAN, create the following additional directory:



3 Make sure there is share access to the log directories.


As per doc,

Partner    VIP   

"<no schedules of the correct type exist in this policy>".

Try creating a schedule with type "Application backup". But take care in setting the right environmental variables in the SAP script.

When I do "SAP split mirror" backup, the "automatic full backup" take backup of the SAP tabelspaces, but the backup of archive and log files need a schedule type of "Application backup".