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Shedule time is being changed....

Level 6


We have a different issue..............never heard about it before.

We have NBU 6.5 on Unix server.

We have scheduled a policy for Oracle database, whose time is changing autometically.

Let me explain,

Backup Policy :- Oracle database.

Scheduled :-   At 1400 Hrs.( Every Day).

Now, the issue, backup were happaning smoothly but for saturday's backup the time is changing or rather entered for Sunday at 1400 Hrs.

thus, both the backup i.e. saturday nad sunday were in the same time.

The sunday's backup job were failing with the error of 196.

This happaned on last sunday and we have changed to normal, by removing the time from Saturday's policy.

Now, again the time is being inserted in the Saturday's policy.

My query is as follows:-

1. Is it possible to change the time autimetically.

2. If both the backup were in the same time why only the sunday's backup jos is being fired, not the saturday's backup being fired.




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please post your policy config:

bppllist <policy-name> -U

and backups completed the last 10 days:

bpimagelist -client <client-name> -d 04/02/2011 -e 04/12/2011 -U

Level 6

When does the Friday night backup finish - is it completly done BEFORE the kick off time of the saturaday job?

Level 6


I will get the logs and out put of the above commands and get you all soon.

So, I can guess that auto time schedule is possible in it so...
