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Solaris Media Server and TLD robot not talking - Drives in AVR state

Not applicable

Been working on this problem for days to no avail.  Running older, and unsupported 6.0MP3.  Stopped working on 1/16/14.  Thanks -James

Here's the output from a bunch of commands:

_mnsetup01_181# /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd -d

                                PENDING REQUESTS


                                  DRIVE STATUS

Drv Type   Control  User      Label  RecMID  ExtMID  Ready   Wr.Enbl.  ReqId
  0 hcart3   AVR                -                     No       -         0
  1 hcart3   AVR                -                     No       -         0
  3 hcart3   AVR                -                     No       -         0
  4 hcart3   AVR                -                     No       -         0
  6 hcart3   AVR                -                     No       -         0

                             ADDITIONAL DRIVE STATUS

Drv DriveName            Shared    Assigned        Comment
  0 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.000   No       -
  1 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.001   No       -
  3 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.003   No       -
  4 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004   No       -
  6 IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006   No       -

_mnsetup01_182# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scan
*********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
*********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
*********************** SDT_OPTICAL ************************
Device Name  : "/dev/rmt/1cbn"
Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c0tw500308c001cce803l0"
Volume Header: ""
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry    : "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     64D0"
Vendor ID  : "IBM     "
Product ID : "ULTRIUM-TD3     "
Product Rev: "64D0"
Serial Number: "F001CCE007"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3     F001CCE007"
Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
NetBackup Drive Type: 16
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0
Device Name  : "/dev/sg/c0tw500308c001cce80al0"
Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c0tw500308c001cce80al0"
Volume Header: ""
Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
Inquiry    : "ADIC    Scalar i2000    402A"
Vendor ID  : "ADIC    "
Product ID : "Scalar i2000    "
Product Rev: "402A"
Serial Number: "ADIC203102271_LL0"
WWN          : ""
WWN Id Type  : 0
Device Identifier: "ADIC    203102271_LL0           "
Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
NetBackup Robot Type: 8
Removable      : Yes
Device Supports: SCSI-3
Number of Drives : 6
Number of Slots  : 402
Number of Media Access Ports: 48
Drive 1 Serial Number      : "F001CCE001"
Drive 2 Serial Number      : "F001CCE007"
Drive 3 Serial Number      : "F001CCE00D"
Drive 4 Serial Number      : "F001CCE013"
Drive 5 Serial Number      : "F001CCE019"
Drive 6 Serial Number      : "F001CCE01F"
Flags : 0x0
Reason: 0x0

_mnsetup01_183# scsi_command -d /dev/sg/c0tw500308c001cce80al0
Inquiry data: removable dev type 8h ADIC    Scalar i2000    402A

_mnsetup01_125# ./bpstulist -U

Label:                mnsetup01-hcart3-robot-tld-0
Storage Unit Type:    Media Manager
Host Connection:      mnsetup01
Number of Drives:     1
On Demand Only:       no
Max MPX/drive:        1
Density:              hcart3 - 1/2 Inch Cartridge 3
Robot Type/Number:    TLD / 0
Max Fragment Size:    1048576 MB

Label:                mnsetup01-hcart3-robot-tld-0-tk3040c1a
Storage Unit Type:    NDMP
Host Connection:      mnsetup01
Number of Drives:     1
On Demand Only:       no
Max MPX/drive:        1
Density:              hcart3 - 1/2 Inch Cartridge 3
Robot Type/Number:    TLD / 0
Max Fragment Size:    1048576 MB
NDMP attach host:     tk3040c1a

Label:                mnsetup01-hcart3-robot-tld-0-tk6030-1
Storage Unit Type:    NDMP
Host Connection:      mnsetup01
Number of Drives:     1
On Demand Only:       no
Max MPX/drive:        1
Density:              hcart3 - 1/2 Inch Cartridge 3
Robot Type/Number:    TLD / 0
Max Fragment Size:    1048576 MB
NDMP attach host:     tk6030-1

Label:                mnsetup01-hcart3-robot-tld-0-tkpkgc1b
Storage Unit Type:    NDMP
Host Connection:      mnsetup01
Number of Drives:     1
On Demand Only:       no
Max MPX/drive:        1
Density:              hcart3 - 1/2 Inch Cartridge 3
Robot Type/Number:    TLD / 0
Max Fragment Size:    1048576 MB
NDMP attach host:     tkpkgc1b
_mnsetup01_126# ./bppllist NBU_CAT_HOT -U

Policy Name:       NBU_CAT_HOT

  Policy Type:         NBU-Catalog
  Active:              yes
  Effective date:      01/12/2007 11:03:33
  Mult. Data Streams:  no
  Client Encrypt:      no
  Checkpoint:          no
  Policy Priority:     40
  Max Jobs/Policy:     1
  Disaster Recovery:   0
  Collect BMR info:    no
  Residence:           mnsetup01-hcart3-robot-tld-0
  Volume Pool:         CatalogBackup
  Keyword:             NetBackup Catalog Backups

  HW/OS/Client:  Solaris       SunOS         mnsetup01


  Schedule:          Full
    Type:            Full Backup
    Frequency:       every 7 days
    Maximum MPX:     1
    Synthetic:       0
    PFI Recovery:    0
    Retention Level: 5 (3 months)
    Number Copies:   1
    Fail on Error:   0
    Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
    Daily Windows:
          Sunday     00:00:00  -->  Saturday   23:00:00

  Schedule:          Incremental
    Type:            Differential Incremental Backup
    Frequency:       every 12 hours
    Maximum MPX:     1
    Synthetic:       0
    PFI Recovery:    0
    Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
    Number Copies:   1
    Fail on Error:   0
    Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
    Daily Windows:
          Sunday     00:00:00  -->  Saturday   23:00:00

Catalog Disaster Recovery Configuration:
  Email Address: 
  Disk Path:       /root/NBU_CATALOG_DR_FILE
  User Name:       (none specified)
  Pass Word:       (none specified)
  Critical policy: (none specified)


_mnsetup01_184# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/sgscan
/dev/sg/c0t0l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0): "SEAGATE ST336607LSUN36G"
/dev/sg/c0t1l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0): "SEAGATE ST336607LC"
/dev/sg/c0tw500308c001cce803l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/1): "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3"
/dev/sg/c0tw500308c001cce80al0: Changer: "ADIC    Scalar i2000"


_mnsetup01_185# /opt/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd

                           HOST STATUS
Host Name                                  Version   Host Status
=========================================  =======   ===========
mnsetup01                                  600000    ACTIVE

                                PENDING REQUESTS


                                  DRIVE STATUS

Drive Name               Label   Ready  RecMID  ExtMID  Wr.Enbl.  Type
    Host                       DrivePath                            Status
IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.000      No      No                     No        hcart3
    mnsetup01                  nrst0a (tk3040c1a)                   AVR

IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.001      No      No                     No        hcart3
    mnsetup01                  nrst11a (tk6030-1)                   AVR

IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.003      No      No                     No        hcart3
    mnsetup01                  nrst0a (tk6030-1)                    AVR

IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.004      No      No                     No        hcart3
    mnsetup01                  nrst1a (tk6030-1)                    AVR

IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006      No      No                     No        hcart3
    mnsetup01                  /dev/rmt/1cbn                        AVR


From /var/adm/messages

Jan 31 12:42:58 mnsetup01 VERITAS: [ID 702911 user.error] No proxy found.
Jan 31 12:44:33 mnsetup01 last message repeated 12 times
Jan 31 12:44:33 mnsetup01 vmd[24202]: [ID 617826 daemon.notice] ready for connections
Jan 31 12:44:34 mnsetup01 VERITAS: [ID 702911 user.error] No proxy found.
Jan 31 12:44:37 mnsetup01 last message repeated 13 times
Jan 31 12:44:39 mnsetup01 tldcd[24255]: [ID 617824 daemon.notice] Ready for connections
Jan 31 12:44:43 mnsetup01 tldd[24236]: [ID 996477 daemon.error] daemon terminating because no devices are configured, tldcd has been started
Jan 31 12:44:44 mnsetup01 avrd[24250]: [ID 572624 daemon.notice] st.conf configuration for IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3.006 (device 6), name [Vendor 'IBM     ' Product 'ULTRIUM-TD3    '], vid [IBM     ULTRIUM-TD3    ], type 0x12, block size 0, options 0x1a67b (see st(7D) man page)



Level 4
Employee Accredited

Assuming you haven't fixed this by now, could you send the output of bpps?

Did you try robtest to access the library?

Is this media server also to robot control host?

If not can it communicate with it? 


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Unsure why we all missed this post?

You forgot to show us NBU device config output:

tpconfig -l

This will tell us if robot is cofigured and if tape drives are configured in the robot.

bpps -x  
will tell us which Media Manager processes are running.

/var/adm/messages points to incorrect configuration:

Jan 31 12:44:39 mnsetup01 tldcd[24255]: [ID 617824 daemon.notice] Ready for connections
Jan 31 12:44:43 mnsetup01 tldd[24236]: [ID 996477 daemon.error] daemon terminating because no devices are configured, tldcd has been started


Level 4
Employee Accredited

"Jan 31 12:44:39 mnsetup01 tldcd[24255]: [ID 617824 daemon.notice] Ready for connections

Jan 31 12:44:43 mnsetup01 tldd[24236]: [ID 996477 daemon.error] daemon terminating because no devices are configured, tldcd has been started


Good one Marianne, missed that. :(

Level 6

I'd like to see:


output of : scan

and output of : tpconfig -d



Level 6

Try Rebuilding sg drivers

1./usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/ all
2.rm /kernel/drv/sg.conf
5.sgscan--to scan scsi devices





Or Try running Device Config from Java GUI 

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

New user who never came back to check for updates?