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Specifying particular user account to be used for backups

Level 4

Hi ,


Can you assist me whether we can proceed with backups using a differnt user account .\in linux


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

NetBackup on Linux runs as root and cannot be changed.

If a backup needs to run with specific user id, for example NBU for Oracle agent backup, the script needs to include 'su - oracle-user' in the script. (Usage can be found in the sample scripts.)

The other option is to use user's crontab to run bpbackup command.

See this similar discussion:

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

NetBackup daemons run with root user account. There are no parameters to change this. Darmons must run with root right so that daemons can read/write/change/operate any resource on the host.

Level 4

My Issue is I have NFS mountpoints on my Master server from a different server which have drwxrwx--- permissions. Only user and group have permissions and othere dont have even read permissions.So, For me backups are failing as cannot change to the directory.

Level 4

Thanks Marianna, 


I have checked the thread and yeah I faced the same issue as cannot backup using cron also .

Partner    VIP    Certified

Only user and group have permissions and othere dont have even read permissions


then what is the use of mounting it on the other server, even it does not have the read permissions..

if the group users on the NFS client can read the file , add the root to the group having the read access..

the root user should be the user form the server having the NFS mount.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Can you login as a user with sufficient read permission and use tar to backup NFS mount to /dev/null?

bpbackup uses same permissions.

If tar is successful, you can create crontab entry for this user to use bpbackup.

Why not install NBU client on source server and backup filesystem from there?

Level 4

There are restrictions on that server to install new softwares. Hence all these round about solutions... :(

Anyway am checking on the permission thing now.