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Status 196

Level 3
Hi all,
Recently, I have been seeing this status error 196 appearing on the netbackup. Did a check and according to some posting, this error will cause some of the backup to slow down. Did a check on the other policies and the end time for the netbackup to complete everything was still the same. Checked the schedule and the previous policy ended 30 min before this policy kick start and the next policy starts 30 min later. In other words there is no clash in between the policies.
If there is anyone out there who have come across the same problem or somthing similar, please share your experience.
Thank you in advance

Level 6
how often do you have bpsched set to wake up?

Level 6
196 is caused when a backup tries to START outside of the backup window e.g. if your window is 20:00 to 04:00 and the backup starts at 04:10 then a 196 will occur.
Has something been overrunning or taking longer to backup than usual, that's causing other servers to have 196 errors?
Take a look at the problems report and see what that turns up.

Level 3
regarding error code 196, I am running netbackup 5.1 MP5, when I tried to manully resubmit some failed job I got 196 immediately. why? I heard manuuly backup can run outside of normal backup window, could anybody explain it? thanks! fox

Partner    VIP    Certified
When you manually re-submit from the "activity monitor" in the GUI and you get a status 196 then you are quite likely outside of the schedule session window.  To re-run a backup outside of its session window, then try requesting the backup by right clicking the policy (in the policy view) and selecting the required schedule and client.

Level 6
I heard (or read) that you can restart a failed job in NetBackup 6.x (?) even after the window closes but in 5.1, if the window has closed and you try to right-click/restart, the job is going to fail with a 196.  You have to manually rerun it.
Can anyone confirm the rumor about 6.x?  Which version?  Can you really restart a failed job after the window has closed?

Partner    VIP    Certified
I think you can restart it after the schedule window has closed, but only if check-pointing has previously been enabled on the policy before the job started.

Level 6
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