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User Backup on Exchange 2007

Level 3

Ok, so we have a DPM server backing up Exchange for our instant restore to exchange and would like to do a copy only backup on Fridays to tape via Netbackup.

So you cannot schedule a User-backup via the Admin console i have now found out.

Has anyone wanted to do this as well or has acutally done this, can you please help me out?

I found this article about creating a batch file on the client and starting the backup from there but no luck there

when i try the batch file i get error 241 and the following

"the specified schedule is the wrong type for this request"




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

bpbackup -p policy-name -s schedule-name ......

Did you remember to create a User Backup schedule (with an open window during which User backups are allowed) in the Exchange policy?  This is the schedule name that you need to specify with -s option.

The command/script must be executed on the Exchange server.