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VM Browse List - Vmhost name - Netbackup 7

Level 5

does anyone know wht the following happens


When I browse the Virtual Centre I am returned lists of Virtual machines - some machines return host names and others return Ip addresses. I can back them both up - they are all Windows machines. I would like to see host names for everything as it makes reporting a little difficult when i am only backing up ip addresses.


The only host file entry I have on the backup server is for the V-Center.


I have asked the Windows team if they know why some show hostnames and some show ip addresess but they didn't know.


Can anyone help?


Level 2
Employee Accredited


You need to check your DNS configuration.

The VM hostnames is displayed after a reverse name lookup of the ip-addresses.

Use the nslookup command on the NetBackup for VMware backup server to verify that the reverse name lookup works. If nslookup works fine then you might need to clear the NetBackup host cache, run \veritas\netbackup\bin\bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache on the backup server.
