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VSP help!

Level 2
While taking backup on Windows 2003 Enterprise server edition using Veritas Netbackup Datacenter 4.5, the backup process get hang while accessing *.VSP files which are created in the Windows node. I am not able to backup the node. My backup went smooth with the same configuration for the past one and a half years. I am having this problem since two days ago. How can i rectify this. Please help.

Level 6
Hi Elenkovan,

You shouldn't need to backup the VSP files. There're probably there because it wasn't cleanup gracefully.

Try add the VSP file in the backup exclude list and if everything is alright, remove the vsp files (you may need to reboot the backup client to release the file lock prior deleting or you can consider some of the utilities recommended in this forum to remove file lock without reboot the client)

Having said the above, I wondering whether NBU4.5 supports Win2k3 client. Let me check the compatibility list.......

Level 6
The compatibility matrix for NBU45 states that it require minimum MP3/FP3 for Win2k3 client, but if it is patched with SP1, it requires Mp6/FP6. Does you client recently been patched?

Level 2
I have not patched SP1.

Level 6
If you get VSP (_vxf cache files) that are not cleaned up after backups one tool you can use is Process Explorer from Sysinternals. Does the job everytime without having to reboot the server in question.

Sometime these files can get locked by Anti Virus software, something to add to your exclusion list, but process explorer is the one to use.


Level 6
You can also avoid excess VSP files by disabling Open File Backup.
But, yes, excluding *.vsp should be your first step.


Level 6
We had problems with our firewall software locking the vsp files. A third party software was needed to unlock them. Either that or a reboot.