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Vault jobs ended with 306 of GRT Active Directory

Level 4


Hey all...
I have this issue related to the duplication of GRT Active Directory...
the duplication job includes 3 images is duplicated and the other two are not....job details show system call failure (220)
knowing that all the master, media and the client has version 7.1 on windows 2008 server
attached the log of vault of this vaulting job

Level 6

NetBackup status code: 220

Message: database system error

Explanation: The bpdbm process (UNIX and Linux), or the NetBackup Database

Manager service (Windows) did not create a directory path for its configuration

catalogs. This error is due to a system call failure, which is usually due to a

permission problem or an out of space condition.

Recommended Action: Create a debug log directory for bpdbm. Increase the

logging level for the diagnostic and debug logs for nbemm.

Use the vxlogcfg command as explained in the following topic:

Retry the operation and check the resulting logs for information.

Level 4

Thanks for the reply...

howerver i just to make sure of some points here

1.) the bpdbm log exists already on the master and attached its output

2.) the nbemm log exists already on the master and attached its output

3)how to use the VxFX log??

Thanks again

Level 6

Error in your vault session logs are:

11:20:21.165 [9176.9052] <2> vltrun@DuplicationJob::monitor_log^741: Unknown line in dup log. LINE=11:20:16 INF - db_IMAGE() failed: database system error (220)

11:29:46.995 [9176.9052] <2> vltrun@DuplicationJob::monitor_log^741: Unknown line in dup log. LINE=11:29:45 INF - db_IMAGE() failed: database system error (220)


bpdbm log didn't show error during that time, but your nbemm did not cover that time - it's only up to May29 10:06AM. Do you have other nbemm logs for the same day?

Level 4

...for the mistake...yes....there is anotehr nbemm log (attached)

Thanks for your help and reply

Level 6

This nbemm log looks the same as previous one.. only up to 10:06AM.

Do you have something like 51216-111-1716785324-120529-0000000001.log ?  (notice the running number is 01, not 00)

Level 4

for the late was the weekend here...

attached the nbemm logs (the correct ones, I hope :) 


Level 6

The nbemm log did not show any error during that time either... sorry, can't help much here.

Is the duplication only failing for Active Directory GRT data? How about non-GRT data, or other type of GRT (Exchange/Sharepoint)?

You might want to log a case with Netbackup support to troubleshoot further.

Level 4

The same happens with any GRT backup...

other types of Vaulting finish successfully

Thanks for your help and reply 

if i managed to solve this problem I will post here