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What do i need to install on my windows based laptop to view NBU master

Level 3

Hi ,


I have got read access for the unix bases NBU master server. I need i know what software i can install on my windows xp laptop to view the NBU admin gui.

I am pretty new to netbackup and need some help.

Please help me find out the location and the software i need to install.





Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Which NBU version on your Master?

Do you have Windows install media? If so, you will find Java Install folder on this install media (we can provide more info if we know which NBU version).

You will need the Java patch as well to match the Master server patch level.

Level 5
Partner Certified


This very easy, just Install NBU Java software on your laptop same version as master server ( If master server is 6.5.5, you should install the same version 6.5.5) as said Mariane. And also you need ad auth.conf file with your ID. Then you can login your master server.

The normal auth.conf as below.


cat /usr/openv/netbackup/auth.conf

Please find the attched screenshot also.

Level 6

NetBackup Remote Administration Console, you can find this under "Install Server Software" (NB6.5) or "Server Software Installation" (NB7.0) on the install media too!

Level 3

i have NetBackup-RedHat2.6 6.5.4

I tried installing the one as below which did not worked.



Is this the correct java software (incorrect version though) i should be looking for?



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

That is a patch.

You need the base Windows 6.5 install media. Either on the installation cd's or dvd's or download from FileConnect.

Level 5
Partner Certified

Hi Ankur,

First you have to install the base Java version ( 6.5) after that you have to upgrade the version. 6.5.4 as per your environment.


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Don't forget to add your host to the SERVER LIST on the master server.

This could be challenging for laptops with dynamic IP address, some time ago I gave up and have installed a remote admin console on a server and used RDP for connection to NBU

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

SERVER entry is not required for Java console. Only with Windows Admin Console.

I use my Java Console whenever I visit a customer. No SERVER entry for my laptop on any of the master's. Only requirement is user name and password that appears in auth.conf on master (root is there by default).

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I just don't like the Java Console because it's somewhat buggy and annoys me with passwords :)

Lucky you have customers that allow you to plug your laptop to their network, that's pretty cool itself!

Level 6

Some people like the Java, and some don't

the java on my pc messes up something else I have, and I perfer the windows remote admin.

So if you have the windows software.

Just like you would install on a client.(be sure to use the correct version 32 or 64 bit)

As you are on 6.5.3, start with the 6.5 client

choose the java or go for the install and choose the windows console.

then be sure to do the 6.5.3 patch.




Level 6

I prefer the java GUI but I also use putty to login to UNIX master servers so I can use the command line and bpadm

Level 3

Thanks a lot everyone, much appreciate your time.

Is it required that one should have rights granted on the NBU admin GUI by the NBU admin just to login and view NBU UI?

I have been granted read access by the linux admin on the master server which happens to be the NBU master server also, but cant login using NBU admin console. I have installed NBU 6.0 


Did i missed the step to add my id into auth.conf 


cat /usr/openv/netbackup/auth.conf

as suggested above.


We have NetBackup-RedHat2.6 6.5.4

Level 6


for java the netbackup admin determines the access you need. The following would give you everything.

cat /usr/openv/java/auth.conf


I would not allow the admin console to be used by anyone other than me or my peer. The admin console usage can be destructive when used by persons not thoroughly versed in Netbackup. The java allows to trim the sails of someone new to their  Netbackup journey.