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backup policy stands with status "write" and do nothing

Level 4
hi there

i have a problem while backup a client. the policy starts and shows status "write" but there nothing happens! the client shows a file, which is backing up, but that is all, what i see. the job stand so for a couple of hours till i cancel it manually.
i have NBU 5.0 MP7 + Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 12GB RAM.

do anybody know whats the problem?

thanks for help

Level 6
     What the bptm logs says? and the bpcd? check this two logs and try to find out if there is delay issue or a communication problem, sometimes if the buffers are not properly configured, jobs hangs for ever because of a bottleneck, I will recomend first to peform a network/dns check, the a performance and tunning review.
Hope this helps.

Level 4
you mean at the client (logs)?


Level 6
bptm = tape manager and would be on the media server
bpcd = client daemon and would be on thr client

Level 4
hey stumpr

thanks for the description. i will proof it.


Level 4

here is a summary of the bpcd log:

11:30:27.359 [7096.12448] <2> bpcd main: new fork cmd = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt "BackupServer" -class TESTPOLICY -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b customer_1190021103 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
11:30:27.359 [7096.12448] <2> bpcd main: Before CreateProcess

this lines are multiple available. what does WOFB_error 0 mean?

if i scedule a full backup of a patition, it would finished with seccuss. but i folder of a partition stands a long time and do nothing. what can it bee?


Level 4
can nobody help me?

curios is, that the weekly backup is running with success!
but if scedule a partion or a folder to backup, it fails!

this is the actual full log of bpcd of the client:

10:22:02.640 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
10:22:02.640 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 416
10:22:02.640 [7944.9164] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
10:22:02.640 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
10:22:02.656 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 899
10:22:02.656 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
10:22:02.656 [7944.9164] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 842
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 899
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 755
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
10:22:02.796 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01
10:22:02.968 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:22:03.187 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_READ_HOST_CONFIG_RQST
10:22:03.562 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
10:22:03.781 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:22:04.000 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_NB_VERSION_RQST
10:22:04.000 [7944.9164] <4> bpcd main: Version string is NetBackup    5.0GA    500000    "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin"
10:22:04.109 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_UNAME_RQST
10:22:04.109 [7944.9164] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_SYSNAME = WindowsNET
10:22:04.109 [7944.9164] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_NODENAME = B1-BILD
10:22:04.109 [7944.9164] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_RELEASE = 5
10:22:04.109 [7944.9164] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_VERSION = 2
10:22:04.109 [7944.9164] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_MACHINE = Intel x86 - Unknown - Revision x408
10:22:04.109 [7944.9164] <2> getUnameInfo: END
10:22:04.328 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
10:22:04.328 [7944.9164] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting
10:22:04.812 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
10:22:04.812 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 440
10:22:04.812 [15044.8656] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
10:22:04.812 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
10:22:04.828 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 527
10:22:04.828 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
10:22:04.828 [15044.8656] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 610
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 527
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 535
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
10:22:04.984 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01
10:22:05.203 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:22:05.421 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_FORK_CMD_RQST
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: fork cmd = /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbkar bpbkar32 -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190362593 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Convert args to CreateProcess format
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Done converting args to CreateProcess format
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: new fork cmd = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190362593 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: Before CreateProcess
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: StdOutput assigned the value STDOUTSOCK
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd main: After CreateProcess, pid = 8488
10:22:05.640 [15044.8656] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting
10:37:42.875 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
10:37:42.875 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 428
10:37:42.875 [13176.12424] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
10:37:42.875 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
10:37:42.890 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 682
10:37:42.890 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
10:37:42.890 [13176.12424] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 577
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 682
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 877
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
10:37:43.093 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01
10:37:43.250 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:37:43.421 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_READ_HOST_CONFIG_RQST
10:37:43.640 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
10:37:43.859 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:37:44.078 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_NB_VERSION_RQST
10:37:44.078 [13176.12424] <4> bpcd main: Version string is NetBackup    5.0GA    500000    "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin"
10:37:44.296 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_UNAME_RQST
10:37:44.296 [13176.12424] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_SYSNAME = WindowsNET
10:37:44.296 [13176.12424] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_NODENAME = B1-BILD
10:37:44.296 [13176.12424] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_RELEASE = 5
10:37:44.296 [13176.12424] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_VERSION = 2
10:37:44.296 [13176.12424] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_MACHINE = Intel x86 - Unknown - Revision x408
10:37:44.296 [13176.12424] <2> getUnameInfo: END
10:37:44.453 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
10:37:44.453 [13176.12424] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting
10:37:44.484 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
10:37:44.484 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 408
10:37:44.484 [14780.13488] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
10:37:44.484 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
10:37:44.500 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 526
10:37:44.500 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
10:37:44.500 [14780.13488] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 854
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 526
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 590
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
10:37:44.625 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01
10:37:44.843 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:37:45.062 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_FORK_CMD_RQST
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: fork cmd = /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbkar bpbkar32 -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190363533 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Convert args to CreateProcess format
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Done converting args to CreateProcess format
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: new fork cmd = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190363533 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: Before CreateProcess
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: StdOutput assigned the value STDOUTSOCK
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd main: After CreateProcess, pid = 10392
10:37:45.281 [14780.13488] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting
10:40:39.718 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
10:40:39.718 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 424
10:40:39.718 [11244.10480] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
10:40:39.718 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
10:40:39.734 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 977
10:40:39.734 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
10:40:39.734 [11244.10480] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 811
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 977
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 813
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
10:40:39.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01
10:40:42.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:40:44.656 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:40:45.921 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_READ_USERS_CONFIG_RQST
10:40:46.296 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:40:46.453 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_READ_HOST_CONFIG_RQST
10:40:46.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
10:40:46.843 [11244.10480] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting
10:42:54.031 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
10:42:54.031 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 416
10:42:54.031 [4564.12892] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
10:42:54.031 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
10:42:54.046 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 843
10:42:54.046 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
10:42:54.046 [4564.12892] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 639
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 843
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 588
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
10:42:54.265 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01
10:42:54.484 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:42:54.703 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_READ_HOST_CONFIG_RQST
10:42:54.921 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
10:42:55.140 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:42:55.359 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_NB_VERSION_RQST
10:42:55.359 [4564.12892] <4> bpcd main: Version string is NetBackup    5.0GA    500000    "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin"
10:42:55.578 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_UNAME_RQST
10:42:55.578 [4564.12892] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_SYSNAME = WindowsNET
10:42:55.578 [4564.12892] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_NODENAME = B1-BILD
10:42:55.578 [4564.12892] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_RELEASE = 5
10:42:55.578 [4564.12892] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_VERSION = 2
10:42:55.578 [4564.12892] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_MACHINE = Intel x86 - Unknown - Revision x408
10:42:55.578 [4564.12892] <2> getUnameInfo: END
10:42:55.796 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
10:42:55.796 [4564.12892] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting
10:42:55.843 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
10:42:55.843 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 440
10:42:55.843 [15396.13488] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
10:42:55.843 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
10:42:55.843 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 518
10:42:55.843 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
10:42:55.843 [15396.13488] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 765
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 518
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 760
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
10:42:55.906 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01
10:42:56.125 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
10:42:57.687 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
10:42:58.671 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_FORK_CMD_RQST
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: fork cmd = /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbkar bpbkar32 -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190363839 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Convert args to CreateProcess format
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Done converting args to CreateProcess format
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: new fork cmd = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190363839 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: Before CreateProcess
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: StdOutput assigned the value STDOUTSOCK
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd main: After CreateProcess, pid = 14448
10:42:58.859 [15396.13488] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting

Level 6
everything in the posted log looks good.
I see no problems.
Have you checked the All log entries report? you can put the jobID and get results for just that job.

Level 6
You say the full works ok, but if you do just one partation it fails..... is this an incremental?
if so you may have to big of a list for one stream....
if you have a lot of excluldes or includes it could take a really long time for the server to come up with a good list of what to backup up and may time out before it does.
review your include and exclude lists
if the partation you are trying to backup has a lot of files in it try as a test setting up a backup that has multi streams of that one partation.
Drive D
New Stream
New Stream
Net Stream

Level 4
@Stumpr: this are the entries of "All Log Entries"

22.09.2007    04:08:57    tsbackup01    B1-Bild    Info    13511    Backup    added backup job (jobid=13511) for client B1-Bild, policy B1-Bild, schedule daily part 0 to NetBackup scheduler work queue
22.09.2007    04:08:57    tsbackup01    B1-Bild    Info    13511    Backup    started backup job for client B1-Bild, policy B1-Bild, schedule daily on storage unit Bild
22.09.2007    04:08:58    tsbackup01    B1-Bild    Info    13511    Backup    client B1-Bild handling path D:\MSSQL DB\Backup
22.09.2007    04:09:02    tsbackup01    B1-Bild    Info    13511    Backup    begin writing backup id B1-Bild_1190426937, copy 1, fragment 1, destination path G:\Kunden\Bild
23.09.2007    12:45:56    tsbackup01    B1-Bild    Info    13511    Backup Status    termination requested by administrator
23.09.2007    12:45:56    tsbackup01    B1-Bild    Error    13511    Backup    backup of client B1-Bild exited with status 150 (termination requested by administrator)

i have only one stream and this is the "D:\Backup". this folder contains sql backups (bak and trn).

and now, i have the problem on other host too!

thats the problem, no error no reaction no nothing. i will be crease, if it will continued!!!

Not applicable
i recommand u restart the netbackup,i think maybe some process have problem.

Level 4
hi nowon

i did it already. but i will do it again today afternoon.

Level 4
How many files are we talking about, for the full backup?

I'd be tempted to check on your client what is still running when your backup is 'hung', and whether there are any network connections (netstat -a and look for bpcd i guess ) still open to your Media/Master servers.

I've seen firewalls poke backups into states like this...mind you, not for sometime :)

Level 4
full backup = 80900 files

Netstat -a:

 TCP    B1-Bild:bpcd           TSBACKUP01:969         HERGESTELLT (eng:established)

the firewall is not the error in this case. any other ideas?

Level 4

this is the actual log of bpcm of the client with maximum log level

09:30:47.625 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
09:30:47.625 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 428
09:30:47.625 [1652.2568] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
09:30:47.625 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
09:30:47.640 [1652.2568] <2> vauth_acceptor: ..\libvlibs\vauth_comm.c.356: no methods for address: no authentication required
09:30:47.640 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: no authentication required
09:30:47.640 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 922
09:30:47.640 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
09:30:47.640 [1652.2568] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 787
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 922
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> nb_bind_on_port_addr: bound to port 813
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1848, lport = 813
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
09:30:47.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01

Schnittstelle: --- 0x10003
  Internetadresse       Physikal. Adresse     Typ            00-14-1c-46-0f-d0     dynamisch
09:30:47.906 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main:
09:30:48.062 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
09:30:48.171 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_READ_HOST_CONFIG_RQST
09:30:48.734 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
09:30:48.937 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
09:30:49.156 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_NB_VERSION_RQST
09:30:49.156 [1652.2568] <4> bpcd main: Version string is NetBackup    5.0GA    500000    "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin"
09:30:49.375 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_UNAME_RQST
09:30:49.375 [1652.2568] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_SYSNAME = WindowsNET
09:30:49.375 [1652.2568] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_NODENAME = B1-BILD
09:30:49.375 [1652.2568] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_RELEASE = 5
09:30:49.375 [1652.2568] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_VERSION = 2
09:30:49.375 [1652.2568] <2> getUnameInfo: UNAME_MACHINE = Intel x86 - Unknown - Revision x408
09:30:49.375 [1652.2568] <2> getUnameInfo: END
09:30:49.609 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_DISCONNECT_RQST
09:30:49.609 [1652.2568] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting
09:30:49.718 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: offset to GMT -3600
09:30:49.718 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 408
09:30:49.718 [1968.4968] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO
09:30:49.718 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: setup_sockopts complete
09:30:49.734 [1968.4968] <2> vauth_acceptor: ..\libvlibs\vauth_comm.c.356: no methods for address: no authentication required
09:30:49.734 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: no authentication required
09:30:49.734 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 872
09:30:49.734 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing tsbackup01 and TSBACKUP01
09:30:49.734 [1968.4968] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: output socket port number = 681
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host TSBACKUP01 ( port 872
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Peer hostname is TSBACKUP01
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> nb_bind_on_port_addr: bound to port 776
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for output 1840, lport = 776
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Connected on output socket
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Duplicated socket on stderr
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: <---- NetBackup 5.0GA 0 ------------initiated
09:30:49.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Not using VxSS authentication with TSBACKUP01

Schnittstelle: --- 0x10003
  Internetadresse       Physikal. Adresse     Typ            00-14-1c-46-0f-d0     dynamisch
09:30:50.062 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main:
09:30:50.140 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_VERSION_RQST
09:30:50.359 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_GET_PLATFORM_RQST
09:30:50.578 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: BPCD_FORK_CMD_RQST
09:30:50.796 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: fork cmd = /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbkar bpbkar32 -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild_temp_daily -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190964296 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
09:30:50.796 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Convert args to CreateProcess format
09:30:50.796 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Done converting args to CreateProcess format
09:30:50.796 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: new fork cmd = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpbkar32.exe -r 4760928 -ru root -dt 0 -to 0 -clnt B1-Bild -class B1-Bild_temp_daily -sched daily -st FULL -bpstart_to 300 -bpend_to 300 -read_to 300 -use_otm -fso -Z -b B1-Bild_1190964296 -kl 180 -WOFB_enabled -WOFB_fim 0 -WOFB_usage 0 -WOFB_error 0 -ct 13 -use_ofb
09:30:50.796 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: Before CreateProcess
09:30:50.796 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: StdOutput assigned the value STDOUTSOCK
09:30:50.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd main: After CreateProcess, pid = 5560
09:30:50.921 [1968.4968] <2> bpcd exit_bpcd: exit status 0  ----------->exiting

anybody ideas????

Level 4
can it be that the cause of this problems seems to bee sp2 for windows 2003 server?
i installed it on the next server. now i have this problem on two servers, both have sp2.

Level 3
Hi ,
I  had a thought , you may want to check to see if the job tracker is running . Sometimes it can run for a long time before the job starts. Especially with Incremental backups.

Level 4

but the tracker is runing all the time. i do not log off the admin sinse i have this problem. this is not the solution.

Level 4
So when your backups are in this hung state...i take it there isn't any client processes left ( like bpbkar still running?  )

Level 4
Hi sshagent,

thats right. bpbkar32.exe is still runing. but do nothing. on the client site if i open the details of the client it shows me some information of the backup job. but no progress! this can takes long without an effect.
but sinse yesterday if i backup an another folder too wiht multiple streams, the second stream is beeing successefull and my actual folder not! why?