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In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Resolved! folder backup on client doesn't work

Hi experts,I tried to backup a local folder on a client server but failed, below are the logs, any idea?07/30/2019 18:08:20 - connecting07/30/2019 18:08:24 - Info bpbrm (pid=11308) starting bpbkar32 on client07/30/2019 18:08:24 - connected; connect t...

CCBNZ by Level 4
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NetBackup Copilot

I'm looking at implementing Copilot for Oracle backups, but I'm confused about which method to then use to backup the Oracle DB's...Chapter 5 of the copilot admin guide states that there are 2 options available for OIP configuration either database b...

Simon78 by Level 3
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Ultrium 3 auto-negotiate

I have a drive which used to work, but for some reason went from 2GBit to auto-negotiate. My web searches have not found any similar discussions. I see this on drive 0 in SLConsole. Drive 1 (2&3) are properly set. How do I get it back to 2GBit?

drive0.png drive1.png
rtorlas by Level 3
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job backup error

hello 21 juil. 2019 21:45:39 - Info nbjm (pid=3288) starting backup job (jobid=34387) for client MPX-VM-LB-01, policy MPX-CHYV16-01_P, schedule Full21 juil. 2019 21:45:39 - Info nbjm (pid=3288) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backu...

Auto Image Replication

Hi all, good day!I just want to know if my understanding was right.SETUP:Domain 1 - HONBU Master1 and NBU Master2Doman 2 - DRNBU Master2 and NBU Master 2I have 4TB which is my Raw data and I'm going to Back it up HO to DR. QUESTION: Since this is the...

J_Huggins by Level 6
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update_client scripting 8.1.2 -force option!

running update_clients, found a few issues : 1 - the script does NOT check for tmp space - if you do not have 4G space available in /tmp on the clients the install can fail - and leave the client messed up - I had to uninstall packages and delete the...

Genericus by Moderator
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Netbackup & VMware snapshot

Hi all, A virtual machine has many VMware snapshots: snapshot1/snapshot2/snapshot3. Guest OS Linux. There is a feature. One of the snapshots is larger than 500 GB. Need to back up this machine. Will backup / restore be successful? What experience is ...

NB 8.1.1 - Upgrade WIndows Client 2K12 to 2K16 - Best practice

hello, currently we are migrating our windows clients. We migrate our servers Windows 2008 and 20012 to Windows 2016. In the past, we made a migration to windows 2016 and I know we had problems with the token. We had to do a reissu token. Is there a ...

Resolved! Cloning Windows client with NB 8.1.1 - Best practice

Hi !Our environment: Master: AIX with NB 8.1.1Media: Windows/Linux with NB 8.1.1Our Windows guys, want to clone some Windows system in few week.  Actually, they tried to clone one Windows server.  The server is working fine but we have some problem w...

Restore SQL availability group database to different server

Hi all,We need to restore a table from one SQL AG database and since this is not supported I would like to know if it's possible to restore the database with different name and then restore the table from itIs it supported to restore SQL Availability...

POGY by Level 4
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Resolved! Can you define mulitple "DB_SCRIPT_PATH =" values?

This doc: describes registering the oracle script location. It SEEMS to indicate that you can set multiple paths: Use nbsetconfig to enter values for an authorized location. The cli...

Genericus by Moderator
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Resolved! 4201 Hyper-V: Stop On Error

please help me about this error4201Hyper-V: Stop On Error19 juin 2019 18:03:04 - Critical bpbrm (pid=12812) from client MPX-VM-CSWPRD01: FTL - vfm_freeze_commit: method: Hyper-V_v2, type: FIM, function: Hyper-V_v2_gentree19 juin 2019 18:03:04 - Criti...

netbackup cross host communication

Hi Experts, Could you share with me any doc/process flow kinda thing which explains, how nbu makes outbound calls using vnetd & PBX ???example , all i know bpcompatd making outbound call to media server bpcd ,, now what happens in this operation "out...

techiie by Level 3
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Replace tape drive hardware

Hi dear all,Scalar i6000 library presented to more than 30 media servers and has 40 drives. one drive has issue and should be replaced with new drive. I need to replace it without any downtime or service affect. restart netbackup services is mentione...

Backup file on Windows failover cluster

Hi community,We have recently deployed Netbackup agent on 2 Windows cluster (Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 2016). All works fine but I've noticed that : after failover node, next backup is a full like backup.Policies configuration : Use Accelerator, En...

AntBar by Level 5
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shadow copy component errors in command reports

Hi All,Is there any command to list output of shadow copy component errors that can be viewed from " job details of ALL " using command prompt/CLISH/Shell.Well, i am trying to check if there any command that does that instead of checking via GUI. Att...

RaviNS by Level 3
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