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Subscribe to NBU notifications

In case you are not aware - you can subscribe to NBU notifications over here: Hopefully NBU 9 will be added to the list soon.

Marianne by Level 6
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Need to pull client retention details for 90 days and older

I'm looking for a way to generate a list of clients that have a retention period of 90 days or more. I'm ultimatly looking for the client/server that has data being retained for 90 days or longer. The master server is Solaris with NBU version of 7.5....

mgalloway by Level 3
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Resolved! is this backup stuck?

NBU 7.7.3i noticed this in one backup policy that have been running for almost 18 hours. i have since cancelled it.05/08/2018 18:00:25 - begin writing 05/08/2018 18:00:26 - Info dbclient (pid=17815) dbclient(pid=17815) wrote first buffer(size=262144)...

manatee by Level 6
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client name mismatch  (39) DAG exchange

08-May-2018 23:57:20 - Info nbjm (pid=14779) starting backup job (jobid=754) for client SIMAOSVMBX01, policy EXCHANGE_BKP_FM, schedule Full 08-May-2018 23:57:20 - estimated 0 kbytes needed 08-May-2018 23:57:20 - Info nbjm (pid=14779) started backup (...

brice1 by Level 4
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Hyper-V Client list

Hi, im trying to remove clients from policies as they have been decom. Under Summary of All Policies->Clients, i do not see some of the clients. Under Activity Monitor for the same policy i see clients that are not listed in it. Its query based, Serv...

simz123 by Level 4
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Resolved! why this images are on disk?

NBU 7.7.3using the Catalog, i saw that one host have all backup images still on disk (media id @aaaan) and no duplication is currently running. i have enough disk space, enough tapes on scratch pool, so why those images are not getting duplicated?i d...

manatee by Level 6
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Which Installation is for Oracle Linux

Hi ,    I want to Install netbackup client agent on Oracle Linux version  6.6 .  Would you please instruct me which of the following is right choice for my scenario ?Netbackup_8.0_LinuxR_x86_64.tar  Netbackup_8.0_LinuxS_x86_64.tarNetbackup_8.0_zLinux...

Resolved! nbdeployutil for NBU 8.1 running on windows

HelloRecently I did upgrade few windows based NBU master servers to NBU version 8.1. As usual on beginning of a month I was gathering FETB licesning information - and I was not surprised that the automation I made failed for these servers - still nee...

quebek by Moderator
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Resolved! Oracle Intelligent Policy - OS Credentials

Hi,we are currently evaluating the use of OIP for our Oracle backups. Reading the documentation, I am under the impression that I absolutely need OS credentials, while database credentials are optional. The problem with that is that the OS oracle use...

Resolved! Netbackup client for Linux

Dear all readers,   We are Planning a new Installation of NetBackup version 8.0 . in our Installation Media, we have no Client Installation Agent for Linux Distributions.  my operating system which I am planning to install client Agent is Oracle Linu...

Resolved! Restore clien't backup to master/media server

I'm trying to restore client's backup to our master or media servers by adding any of them as a destination but I'm getting this :05/08/2018 09:32:07 - begin Restore05/08/2018 09:32:09 - restoring from image AE-Apps-102_152535240305/08/2018 09:32:09 ...

Hossary by Level 2
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Resolved! 26 (client/server handshaking failed).

unable to backup exchange DAG 2013 26 (client/server handshaking failed). since yestarday .07-May-2018 18:09:53 - Info nbjm (pid=64525) starting backup job (jobid=619) for client DAG-SIM, policy EXCHANGE_BKP_FM, schedule Full07-May-2018 18:09:53 - In...

brice1 by Level 4
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Resolved! Calling NBU 8.1.1's RESTful API

I have poured through Veritas' documentation on the process for making calls to NBU 8.1.1 using its RESTful API. But I'm unclear on something and I've hit a stumbling block.  Is there a way to initiate a login without using a JWT (JSON Web Token) ini...

SharePoint 2013 GRT restores fail for certain site

HiI've a single SharePoint server running Windows 2012 and SharePoint 2013. This is a Dev\Test server with all the SharePoint components (eg SQL, App and Web) installed on the single server.I've configured backups with and without GRT and these work ...

CadenL by Level 6
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Resolved! Netbackup volume manager not starting

Dear Readers ,     Recently I've decided to add addiotional Master Server to my Netbackup Server . so I installed new OS and and name it "L-BCK-NEW" . then I Added "L-BCK-NEW" as a Truster master server in "L-BCK"as you know after any changes you hav...

How to restore all changes from old Full ignoring new full

Hello,We take Full every week and incremental daily(except full day) and retain all backups for 30 days. I have a situation, Full was taken on April 8th, April 15th, April 22nd..etc., .User need to restore April 15th full and all the changes happened...

NetBackup Appliance Upgrade

We have a master server which is currently at netbackup appliance 3.1 .(this is the new environment). We have a netbackup appliance version 2.7.2. model 5220. (was a media server)which was decommissioned from old environment and we have to add this a...

Rocky67 by Level 4
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Resolved! NBU Admin console Query Builder exclusion not working

Hi,Im a noob in regards to NBU. Master and 6 Media servers all on linux. Using SL500, backing up on LTO5.In my env we have decom a lot of servers. Im trying to remove clients from policies. But when i search for the clients under the policy there is ...

simz123 by Level 4
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restore from replicated datadomain VTL and Storage units

hi,we have the following setup currently:-DD2500+NBU master server in main site+clients-DD640+NBU Media server at DR site-data is written to VTL and storage pools/units- replication is done over DD, no SLP.we wanted to test restore in DR using the Me...

Youness by Level 3
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NetBackup Vault

Master server Solaris 10 SPARC - Netbackup 7.7.3I recently added a profile to my Vault. The Vault now has two profiles.  The original profile has been working for years.  Today on the vault policy schedule, the only profile that ran was the new profi...