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media manager received no data for backup image (Status code 90)

Partner    VIP    Certified



Netbackup master servers :-Linux

media server linux NBU

client Window 2008 NBU 7.1

i am trying to take a backup of specific file wich of size 610 KB,i am getting the failurs with EC 90. 

actaully when i try to take the backup with All local drives, this few files are not getting backup, so though they may be filtered by VSS list , so did verifed with the help of below T/N, but few files are not listed there and still not gettin backup..


so did created test policy and added only the file , and trying to take the backup, and got the error EC 90,below is the detail status of the failed job...


i though that the Data buffer size is causing the job failurs... so keep the SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS as 32 but that is not reflecting on the backup job


i am not sure why its not taking those files.. i many servers with the same issue.. and most of them are Virtual server getting backup as Netbackup standard client..




10/26/2012 10:22:47 - Info nbjm (pid=17159) starting backup job (jobid=912302) for client <clientname>, policy test, schedule Weekly-Full
10/26/2012 10:22:47 - Info nbjm (pid=17159) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=912302, request id:{60EA57D0-1F89-11E2-BDE1-C63C59500884})
10/26/2012 10:22:47 - requesting resource DMZ_GROUP_INCR
10/26/2012 10:22:47 - requesting resource <master>.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.Client
10/26/2012 10:22:47 - requesting resource <master>.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.test
10/26/2012 10:22:49 - granted resource  <master>.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.client
10/26/2012 10:22:49 - granted resource  <master>.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.test
10/26/2012 10:22:49 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaab1;Path=/backup/DSU_INCR;MediaServer=media
10/26/2012 10:22:49 - granted resource  DMZ-DSU01_INCR
10/26/2012 10:22:49 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
10/26/2012 10:22:49 - Info nbjm (pid=17159) started backup job for client <client>, policy test, schedule Weekly-Full on storage unit DMZ-DSU01_INCR
10/26/2012 10:22:51 - started process bpbrm (pid=31213)
10/26/2012 10:23:01 - connecting
10/26/2012 10:23:10 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
10/26/2012 10:23:13 - begin writing
10/26/2012 10:23:33 - end writing; write time: 0:00:20
10/26/2012 10:41:51 - Info bpbrm (pid=31213) <client>is the host to backup data from
10/26/2012 10:41:51 - Info bpbrm (pid=31213) reading file list from client
10/26/2012 10:42:01 - Info bpbrm (pid=31213) starting bpbkar on client
10/26/2012 10:42:01 - Info bpbkar (pid=7624) Backup started
10/26/2012 10:42:01 - Info bpbrm (pid=31213) bptm pid: 31215
10/26/2012 10:42:01 - Info bptm (pid=31215) start
10/26/2012 10:42:01 - Info bptm (pid=31215) using 262144 data buffer size
10/26/2012 10:42:01 - Info bptm (pid=31215) using 30 data buffers
10/26/2012 10:42:03 - Info bptm (pid=31215) start backup
10/26/2012 10:42:04 - Info bptm (pid=31215) backup child process is pid 31218
10/26/2012 10:42:16 - Info bptm (pid=31215) waited for full buffer 1 times, delayed 786 times
10/26/2012 10:42:18 - Info bptm (pid=31215) EXITING with status 90 <----------
10/26/2012 10:42:23 - Info bpbkar (pid=7624) done. status: 90: media manager received no data for backup image
media manager received no data for backup image  (90)
Thanks and Regards

Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Your file is indeed filtered into Shadow Copy Components:

This is what you are trying to backup in your test policy, right?

3:25:42.500 AM: [8588.12068] <2> tar_backup_tfi::setupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config

Here we see that the file is  filtered into Shadow Copy Components:

3:25:55.204 AM: [8588.12068] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Filtered 'Shadow Copy Components' Object: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config

As per TECH76997:
"The determination about which files and folder are classified into Shadow Copy Components happens outside of NetBackup.  If you feel a file or folder should or should not be filtered into Shadow Copy Components, you need to engage Microsoft to discuss options for modifying the file list."

View solution in original post


Level 3

Try by putting specific file in "File list" "D:\Program Files\NetBacku\Veritas\logs\xxxx.txt"

and try to run backup for that file - Do Full backup if file is knot chnaging...

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please ensure that bpbkar log folder exists on the client, then run the test backup again.

Post bpbkar log as File attachment after the failure.

Partner    VIP    Certified

hi ,

thank you for the suggestions...I am attaching the bpbkar log...


below are the few more steps that i perfromed to isolate the issue..


the files that i am trying to backup are in C:/Window directory and getting EC 90


so for testing purpose i copied one of those file to desktop , and used that path as backup selection and that went fine, and compleated successfully

so its confirming that i am getting failurs when file is in C:/Windows (Original path). and there is not issue with the file size.

as i suspected earlier, this file is not listed in VSS filter.. output file... 





Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Your file is indeed filtered into Shadow Copy Components:

This is what you are trying to backup in your test policy, right?

3:25:42.500 AM: [8588.12068] <2> tar_backup_tfi::setupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config

Here we see that the file is  filtered into Shadow Copy Components:

3:25:55.204 AM: [8588.12068] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Filtered 'Shadow Copy Components' Object: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config

As per TECH76997:
"The determination about which files and folder are classified into Shadow Copy Components happens outside of NetBackup.  If you feel a file or folder should or should not be filtered into Shadow Copy Components, you need to engage Microsoft to discuss options for modifying the file list."

Partner    VIP    Certified

hi Marianne,

thank very much for your input.

i did verified that Tech Note before i post this, and VSS filter output file is not showing the file that i was looking for, so i had no proof to say its being backup in system state.


finally i did keep the backup selection as System state, and and keep the verbose as 5 and run the backup, and i am able to find the log which saying that the file is being added system state backup. that is where i got the Proof for the file is successfull backing up.