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Creating aliases for storage units, policies, etc.

Level 6
Is there a way to "alias" and combine storage unit names, policies, etc.?  For example, I want to create a report to show how much data was backed up by each tape library and disk storage unit.  But the storage units are all named (for our backup purposes) by mediaserver-STUtype-robot#.  Is there a way to, say, combine the disk storage units from each location into one total and rename them to the location name and tape library vendor?  It would make more sense to upper management than the media server's name, etc. 

We have the same type of requst for policies, such as grouping all the policies for a single location into one total.

Level 4
You can use a case statement in your query.

when backupfinaljobstorageunitname like 'dssu_OH%' then 'DSSU OHIO'
end as 'Storage Unit Type'

this is just a basic case statement but you should get the direction to take it in. In this case, lets say you naming convention for dssu was dssu_<state abbrev>. This would take all dssu named dssu_OH* and put them in a group called DSSU OHIO. The % sign is the wildcard sign.