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Resolved! Windows Server 2016 support

I'm planning on upgrading the OS running on the server that runs OpsCenter Analytics. Currently, it is Windows 2012 and I would like to go to 2016. shows only Windows 2012 or 2012 R2 is support...

X2 by Moderator
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OpsCenter - Adding Master Server Credentials

Hello,We operate OpsCenter8.1.1 in the following environment.NetBackup 8.1.1 (Windows)We'd like to know about "Master Server credentials".When I click "Test Connection", the following message appears.##Connection successful. The provided credentials ...

opcenter custon report

Hello, please, I would need help to get an opscenter report with the following contentMaster serverclient namenbu versionThank you.

SQL reports doesn't work after upgrade

Hello,We have upgraded our Opscenter server from 8.0 to 8.1.2, but now it seems that this version is less efficient.This version is indeed less reactive, sometime it freeze when we try to change section, and old SQL reports does'nt work anymore.i can...

panthony by Level 4
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migrate OPScenter to a new server

Hello all, I want to migrate my ops-center server to a new server with another OS. It is now on Windows 2008 and it needs to go to a server with windows 2016. I cannot find a good document how to do this. Can anybody help to find the doc?Netbackup ve...

OpsCenter 8.1.1 Top 7 Job Error Log Summary

I'm looking for a report that shows Top 7 Job Error Log Summary.  This information already appears under Monitor in OpsCenter but wanted to see if anyone had a custom report showing the same information?  Thanks.

bmaro by Level 4
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Filtering a SQL query in OpsCenter

Can somenone please help me filter this sql query by a particular master/domain ?SELECT domain_PolicyClient.clientName as "Client Name", domain_PolicyClient.policyName as "Policy Name", as "Policy Type", nb_Policy.fileList as "...

gaapeio by Level 4
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OpsCenter Analytics Custom Reporting

Hi all, good day!Just want to ask for more information about OpsCenter Analytics.Here is the Scenario:1. We have NetBackup 8.1 which has a Backup Data for our Email for the last October. 2. We have OpsCenter 8.1 for the long run and we added the lice...

J_Huggins by Level 6
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Custom SQL Query Report to Display Last Backup of Each File

Has anyone had any luck displaying backup details for individual files?  For instance, I'd like to display the last successful backup date for each file within a given policy's filelist.I'm new to OpsCenter's custom reporting so any help is greatly a...

Query to get diskpool contents

Master server - Linux Diskpool - PureDisk Appliance - 5330 Hello All, recently I am getting bunch of exit status 129. Diskpool free space currently showing me 10TB free out of 128TB total. I am convince something is not right somewhere. Either some e...

Dollypee by Moderator
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Policy list with clients report in OpsCenter

Is there a report in OpsCenter that lists all clients with the policies they're in ?I know I can copy and paste from Policies - Summary of all Clients - Clients in the console, but I wanted to try have these generated by OpsCenter to be emailed out.

gaapeio by Level 4
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Change alert subject line

Hi,It may be a duplicated question, but I haven't found the right answer. The question is that if we can edit and change OspCenter alert's subject line?Thank you in advance!

OpsCenter 8.1.1 database busy after restart of service

Windows Server 2016 Std + OpsCenter v8.1.1 - it's a pretty small setup, only 1.8 GB in the main database file.  Was upgraded from v7.7.3 about six months ago.Anyone else seen a problem with "dbsrv16.exe" chewing the CPU after the database service get...

sdo by Moderator
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Resolved! Netbackup client versions report in OpsCenter

Hello,I'm trying to retrieve the Netbackup client versions for all the clients being backed up.I thought this would be a common report, but I don't seem to see any report that provides this information.Any help is appreciated

gaapeio by Level 4
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Replacement for OC coming soon.

We are aware that Reporting is something critical to a successful operation. Therefore we are actively working on a replacement for OpsCenter. It will be an evolving story starting in Dec/Jan and being rolled out over a nmber of releases. For those t...

Remove Junk Filters in Opscenter

Hi Techs,Is there a way to remove multiple filters that is stored in Opscenter .  One of the possibilities that i see is remove them manually by clicking on edit and then remove filter.Screenshot attached for reference. As there are multiple people i...

RaviNS by Level 3
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