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Information Management News

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Todays Information Management News #IM_NEWS includes; #DRaaS, brushing your teeth & #cloud adoption
Tweet of the Day: Surveillance-based manipulation: How Facebook or Google could tilt elections 
Global News

Forbes highlighted HP’s recent partnership with Symantec to offer a new DRaaS solution based on HP Helion OpenStack.

Data News

The Drum White House proposes bill to protect consumer data privacy. The draft of the so-called Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights proposes that companies explain their privacy and security measures to customers in an easy to understand manner as well afford them greater control over how their data is managed and stored.

Tech Radar Pro Call for backup: why backing up data should be like brushing your teeth. When it comes to data protection, most people don't have a clue. Many do not take the time to perform regular backups and far more have never even considered doing a backup. In a world where the amount and value of information is constantly increasing, backing up data should be as natural as brushing your teeth twice a day.

Daily Mail Hackers stole data on 50,000 drivers from Uber – and the company waited FIVE MONTHS to tell anyone. A security breach at cab-hailing service Uber more than nine months ago may have disclosed the names and driver's license numbers of about 50,000 drivers across multiple states, the company said in a statement.

IT Pro Portal Will ‘The Year of the Hack’ affect consumer and business security practices in 2015? Months of headline-grabbing data security breaches led many to declare 2014 “The Year of the Hack.” Although there was a big uptick in security incidents (more than 42.8 million, or a 48 per cent increase over 2013), what really distinguished 2014 were hackers’ unprecedented tactics.

Cloud News

V3 Data security fears continue to hold back UK cloud adoption. Data security in the cloud remains the top concern for UK businesses, but the fears do not reflect the actual number of breaches, according to the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF). Alex Hilton, chief executive of the CIF, said that CIF research found only two percent of UK businesses have reported a security breach in their cloud services.
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