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Increase Volume over 1TB

Level 4

We have VEritas Version 5

and now the need to increase a volume over 1TB


Veritas breaks with

VXVM vxassist Error V-5-1-436 Cannot allocat space to grow volume to xxx blocks

resize problem V-5-1-4703

running vxassist command for volume data


so I have to use vxassit in which sequence ? or is over 1TB not possible ??


Level 6

Hi Manfred,


Here's some info from the Known Issues documentation about working with volumes over 1TB. I couldn't find additional info about those errors, in particular:


Synchronizing volumes and RVG with large volumes
The vradmin syncrvg and the vradmin syncvol commands do not work correctly for volumes larger than 1TB. When either of these two commands is used to synchronize large volumes, the command still runs, but it reports wrong total size of the volumes being synchronized and it actually synchronizes only a portion of the volume having size larger than 1TB.
Workaround: Instead of using the vradminsyncrvg command to synchronize the RVG, use the Automatic Synchronization feature when starting replication. To do this, use the vradminstartrep-a command. Or, reduce the size of the volume to below 1TB before running the vradminsyncrvg command.
For the vradminsyncvol command, the only workaround is to reduce the size of the volume to below 1TB. [840217]


Hope this helps,
