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Installing storage foundation on AMD Opteron running Linux (32-bit RHEL)

Not applicable
Hi all,

I'm having a problem installing storage foundation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (Update 4 - i386) running on an AMD Opteron (HP DL585).

I downloaded the file Q14438H.sf., copied it to the server, un-tarred it and ran installsf. I got the following error:
Checking Processor Type on lons470d02 .......................... athlon
CPI ERROR V-9-12-1002 Processor type not supported

I resolved this by following the instructions in the document and I am now able to continue past this point. I progress to the screen titled 'VERITAS Infrastructure rpm installation:' and after a while, I am asked for the licence key. However, I now have the following problem:

CPI WARNING V-9-10-1334 XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX is not a valid SF license key for system lons470d02. (The key is copied and pasted from the page where I registered for the trial, and works on a vmware machine)

If I quite the installer, and try to manually use this licence key, I get the following error:

# /sbin/vxlicinst

VERITAS License Manager vxlicinst utility version 3.02.006
Copyright (C) 1996-2004 VERITAS Software Corp. All Rights reserved.

Enter your license key : XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

vxlicinst ERROR V-21-1-65 Invalid Operating System. Input license key is not valid for this Operating System

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Not applicable
I get the same message (CPI WARNING V-9-10-1334 XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX is not a valid SF license key for system myhostname).And I install the SF on Intel PIII envirment.

Any one can help me?