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BERS 6.5 Freezing

Level 3
BESR v6.5 - running on Server 2003 R2 with SP1

Every couple of weeks this seems to hang and not run the scheduled job.
The processes are running for the application but the console will not open.
I have to kill the process and restart the service. This was doing the same thing - but more frequently on Livestate branded version - 6.02.

anyone had the same issue



Level 4
I may try that too, but doesn't the incrementals reduce the backup time anyway? I have disabled the verify just in case that is causing some issues.

I was given accress to Version 6.5.4. In this version, according to Symantec Support, the freeze problem should be eliminated.

Level 4
6.5.4? Interesting...

I am working with one of their senior techs and he gave me 3 new files (dated Feb 17) to replace. So far my SBESR is working on all but 1 server, but it's too early to tell if that fixed my problem. The one server still having priblems cannot find the SBESR service, and I cannot uninstall the BESR agent - get an error about transforms. Even their brute force uninstaller "BESR65_Uninistall.exe" does not resolve the issue. Trying to install does not install the BESR service so that is why I get the error.

Here's the patch instructions they sent me:

-Stop the"Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery" Service.
-Press Ctrl+Alt+Del - In Task Manager, if VProTray.exe is displayed, End the process.
-Also, if it exists, highlight Wmiprvse.exe End the process.
-Copy and replace the files in their respective locations (see below)
\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery\Shared\NotifyHandler.dll
\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery\Agent\VProSvc.exe
\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery\Agent\VProTray.exe -Restart the "Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery" Service.
-Restart VPROTRAY.EXE by double clicking on the executable located \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery\Agent\VProTray.exe

Like I said this appears to have fixed the locking up, but it is too early to tell if it permanently fixed it.

Level 3
Any feedback about 6.5.4 ?

Does it fix the problem ?

Until now: Yes

Level 4
I too have had success with 6.5.4.

I did find that where it was more sensitive to connectivity, but it was an easy fix. On one of my servers I was backing up ok using 6.5.3 but with 6.5.4 it was erroring out saying the network connection was dropped. The problem was fixed when I updated the hosts file. So, 6.5.4 seems to have fixed my issues.

Level 4
Very interesting,

I've encounter same problem every 2-3 weeks, I asked for 6.5.4 access
and support guy told me it's not released and they need to know much about
problem before let me download. So, if possible please share download info
give to you to avoid going through lots of q&a.

Level 4
During my discussions with support they sent me the files. They did say that is was BETA and was not yet available. They asked me to comment on it after a few days too. It looks like it seems to have fixed several issues so try contacting them again as see what they say.

Level 3
Tell them that the problem is a known problem.

They have also released a 6.5.3 Fix containig files to be replaces.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
My understanding is that 'beta" versions of 6.5.4 (which should address most freezing issues) are available now if you can talk to the right person in support. Symantec has found multiple potential causes of the hang (one in particular Symantec believes is the cause of the bulk of the issues). It's possible that some additional causes of the hang may still exist after release of the fix, but the upcoming fix(es) should get most of them.

Hopefully the final version of this fix will be available soon. The fix will be available for the following versions of BESR:

- Version 6.0 (LiveState Recovery - not sure what the version number will be)
- Version 6.5 (In the form of version 6.5.4)
- Version 7.0 (still in beta)
