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BESR 8.5 and recovery point set

Level 2

I have recently started using BESR 8.5 and I met one problem which I can’t figure out how to fix.
Maybe it’s my misunderstanding or something is not right with my setup.
I stared new backup job for C: drive to be run every day from Mondays to Friday at 23:00, limit number of recovery point sets saved to 3 and start new recovery point every month.
They way I understand, it should start new base set 1st of each month, than during a month every mon-fri create incremental backup and in a new month create new base set.
After creating a 4th base set, as long as it has 3 full recovery point sets, should delete the very first one.
Meanwhile, what I observed so far during the last month of running, instead of monthly, it look as it creates new base recovery point every week, even the settings clearly say run every month!?

Sv2i – 23/01/2008
Drive006.v2i – 14/01/2009 – (base)
Drive006_i001.iv2i – 14/01/2009
Drive006_i002.iv2i – 15/01/2009
Drive006_i003.iv2i – 16/01/2009
Drive006_i004.iv2i – 19/01/2009
Drive007.v2i – 20/01/2009 – (base)
Drive008.v2i – 21/01/2009 – (base)
Drive008 _i001.iv2i – 14/01/2009
Drive008 _i002.iv2i – 14/01/2009

As you can see, the backup was started 23/01/2008. It was started manually. And it’s already deleted first 3 weekes. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Where are the backups stored in relationship to the source machine? How often is the source rebooted? If the backup destination is on a network; how often is the destination rebooted? How often is the Domain Controller rebooted?


That said, it is recommended with daily backups to create a new recovery point set weekly rather than monthly, to better ensure the integrity of the incremental images.

Level 2



Sorry for the delay...

Backup is kept on the same drive as well as external USB drive. It is connected all the time.

We never reboot Domain Controler as well as any other devices.


Just for testing, I deleted all the jobs, moved backup files, restarted BESR 8.5, recreated backup jobs and still same issue. It looks like it remembered the very first setup I did and don't accept any other options. On the second server, I did the same setup but I did that as soon as I installed BESR and it creates base recovery point every month.


Very anoying thing, is it normal with BESR or it is just my installation?



Level 5

What version of 8.5 are you running?  The initial release 8.5.0 had issues of a new baseline being created after a reboot.  I experienced that bug and the release of Version 8.5.1 resolved that issue for me.  The software is currently at and I am running it with no problem.