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BESR service got hung! Error: EC8F1780, EC8F1771 and EBAB0013

Level 2
Partner Certified

Everyday I got this message. Right after this error message popped up onto BESR log or Windows application event log, BESR service start to fall into haning. Once it's got hung, I cannot restart BESR service or run backup either!  Therefore, I need to reboot the server almost everyday in order to perform BESR backup


This is the original message! There are three error codes.


Error EC8F1780

Error EC8F1771

Error EBAB0013


7/15/2008 20:35:14 PM High Priority Error: Error EC8F1780: Cannot successfully reconcile changes since last session. Error EC8F1771: Cannot enumerate the current drives on this system. Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. CHECK failed, MbrUnallocatedSpace::MbrUnallocatedSpace: .\MbrUnallocatedSpace.cpp(45): startSector > 0. 0xEBAB0013 (Backup Exec System Recovery)


Anyone who can help me out is welcome! 

Message Edited by LanceYoon on 08-25-2008 02:27 PM

Level 6
Employee Accredited

If you are on BESR 8, this could be an issue with discrepancies in the partition table or Master Boot Record regarding the disk geometry. As BESR performs sector based backups, the disk geometry must be correct. Windows ignores discrepancies because Disk Management creates it own drive overlay; if it is not 8 see if you have the same issue with 8 since earlier versions of the product has given this as a false error. This can also be simply an issue with corruption with the system index file (i.e. *.sv2i) located on the storage drive. If clearing and long formatting the storage drive does not correct the issue in your next backup attempt, and you have CHKDSK /R and defrag the source drives, checked Windows event (in we are working with Dynamic volumes) for Ldm errors and there are none, then run partinfo.exe to create a partinfo.txt file. Look through it and see if errors are shown. Do the same with SMEdump.exe utility. At the time of backups be sure that no other drives are attached (i.e. Firewire/USB, memory card readers, etc.) that are not a part of the backup process.


Level 2
Partner Certified

Thanks David,


But more questions


1. Is this issue related to hanging? Don't understand that if this is discrepancy issue between parttion table and MBR  and therefore BESR can't perform a backup, why BESR service must be got hung. It's not like backup can't be performed at all! First backup was always okay after server reboot. Then maybe 5 or 6 hours later, this error popped up. Almost always!


2. If this is related to *sv2i. Simply deleting this file could possibly fix the issue?


3. When do you think if this error pop up.

    a. When backup is starting to run

    b. After backup run successfully and BESR operatin is idle.


Again, I see the pattern of error in clockwise. Always after the fist backup was successuful and then maybe 4 or 5 hours later no more than 24 hours. this error could pop up. Then BESR service got hung!

