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Changelog, bug fixes??

Level 5
Where can we find/read a changelog that tells what bugs etc. are fixed??

Is this bug fixed??

Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of  (C:\), Apps (D:\) (2). Error EC8F03ED: Cannot create the recovery point. Error E7D10041: Unable to establish a network connection to \\nas2\backup. Error EBAB03F1: Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.
Details: 0xE7D10041
Source: Backup Exec System Recovery

I partially fixed this by changing the backup time, but sometimes the backup still does not run, this is an intermittent error.

Thank you, Tom

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Yes,most of  the known issues and bugs discovered in BESR 7 have been resolved in BESR 8.
For more information,please refer to the following document

RELEASE NOTES : Backup Exec System Recovery 8.0

This document describes

1:New features and known bugs for Backup Exec System Recovery 8.0.
2:Features / Functionality Changed From BESR 7.0
3:Features / Functionality Added Between BESR 7.0 and BESR 8.0
4:Features/Functionality Modified




Level 5
How long must I wait to get my BESR 8.x license, keys, etc. etc.??

BESR 7.02 is failing frequently and intermittently on me -- its reliability is now close to zero for scheduled backups.

Is there any way I can get BESR 8.x this week before EOB this Friday 3/1/08??

Thank you, Tom

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
All the licenses will be dispatched in a matter of few days.We are dispatching over 50,000+ licenses every week.Till the time you get the license you can upgrade to 8.0 and run it in evaluation mode.Once you receive the license you can then convert it to a licensed copy simply by adding the license.

Message Edited by RahulM on 02-27-2008 02:51 AM

Level 2

We are already using version but this problem still persists occasionally.

What can we do about this?

Message Edited by stefan.norbart on 05-19-2008 04:46 AM

Level 5
I have had a support case open with Symantec for weeks on just this error.
They kept telling me to work on preventing any conflicts between BESR and BEWS 12...time-wise, etc. etc.
I now definitely feel that this is absolutely a BUG.
On Sunday 5/17/08, with NO -- absolutely NONE -- BEWS jobs scheduled, both of my servers with BESR installed failed for this exact reason.
Thank you, Tom

Level 2
Hi Thomas,
Same here. Are you also using version 8.xx?

Level 5
Correction: 5/17/08 was a Saturday, but I know that I was not doing anything with either server that night...
Yesterday, Sunday, both BESR backups did run properly, with NO BEWS jobs scheduled yesterday.
I remain puzzled about this error...
Thank you, Tom

Level 5
Hello Stefan,
Yes, the most current 8.x, but I have not yet applied the SP2 patch...I hope to do that this evening.
Thank you, Tom

Level 2
Anyone ever solve this issue?

Level 6
Employee Accredited
EBAB03F1 is a relayed message by BESR from a Windows event that historically has something to do with the storage location the agent is attempting to store its image file to during a backup job; I have stop counting at 18 variations of this error.  Since with version 7, an agent now keeps a continuous connection to its assigned storage location to monitor the status of the recovery point images it makes. If that storage location, like Windows XP sharing out one of its drives for example, impose a limited on the number of simultaneous connections it can handle even increasing the IRPSTACKSIZE value will not help and will result in this error. We have seen this a lot where seven or eight connections work great to a XP share in a SOHO setting, but when the 9th or 10th agent is added is where working agents before begin to fail with this error until one of the new or other agents connecting to the share is powered down and its spot on the XP system is open for an agent to use. Outside of XP systems, using some NAS devices also exhibit the same symptoms. From discussion internally, there are no plans to change how BESR keeps this connection open with the share at the present. Hope this shed some light and help focus our efforts into this specific issue.