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Recovery point storage

Level 2
Hi to All,

I have installed Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery 6.5 on a windows 2003 enterprise server SP1. The server was confiqured with RAID 1.
When I try to create a job and select the drive to include in the the recovery points, I do not get the option to save the ffile on the local disk. The only way to find the server path is through network.
When I run the Driver Validation on the Recovery System server I got the following message:
The following devices do not have drivers in the Symantec Recovery Disk.

Adaptec AIC-9405 SAS/SATA Controller

Adaptec Processor Device (Pseudo)

A detailed information about these devices is given below

Class: SCSIAdapter

Class Guid: {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

Description: Adaptec AIC-9405 SAS/SATA Controller

Hardware Id: PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_043F&SUBSYS_043F9005&REV_08

Hardware Id: PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_043F&SUBSYS_043F9005

Hardware Id: PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_043F&CC_010400

Hardware Id: PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_043F&CC_0104

Compatible Id: PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_043F&REV_08

Compatible Id: PCI\VEN_9005&DEV_043F

Compatible Id: PCI\VEN_9005&CC_010400

Compatible Id: PCI\VEN_9005&CC_0104

Compatible Id: PCI\VEN_9005

Compatible Id: PCI\CC_010400

Compatible Id: PCI\CC_0104


Class: SCSIAdapter

Class Guid: {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

Description: Adaptec Processor Device (Pseudo)

Hardware Id: SCSI\ProcessorADAPTEC_HostRAID________1.0_

Hardware Id: SCSI\ProcessorADAPTEC_HostRAID________

Hardware Id: SCSI\ProcessorADAPTEC_

Hardware Id: SCSI\ADAPTEC_HostRAID________1

Hardware Id: ADAPTEC_HostRAID________1

Compatible Id: SCSI\Processor

Compatible Id: SCSI\RAW

My question is , how can System Recovery Server update its drivers list and include the drivers for my SATA drives?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Hi Marios,

I'm not sure if this will help, but keep in mind that BESER 6.5 has two main components:

1. Product (installs and runs under Windows)
- Subject to device drivers being properly configured under Windows

2. Recovery Disk (used to boot the system into recovery mode to restore images)
- Contains its own set of device drivers for use in recovery mode

The Driver Validation feature checks for drivers in component number 2 (above), matching the hardware in your system.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're having a problem while creating images in Windows, the Driver Validation feature doesn't apply.


Level 2
Hi Bill,

Thanks a lot for you time.
I agree with your comments.
My question is how can I install SATA drivers on the Recovery server, in order to be able to select a local drive as a recovery storage? I can see the local drive of my server, but only through Network, when I try to select a storage path for the back file.

MariosMessage was edited by:
Marios Kokkinos

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Hi Marios,

So, the SATA drive(s) you would like to store your images to aren't visible from BESR 6.5, correct? Is it true that you can see the drives in Windows Explorer?

It might help if you list each of the local drive letters on the system that are visible from Windows Explorer, what each drive letter corresponds to, and then list which ones are visible from BESR 6.5.

Generally speaking, if drives show up in Windows but not from the BESR 6.5 interface, it means that BESR believes there are problems with those drives. Sometimes the problems are partition table errors, which Windows ignores.


Level 2
Hi Bill,
Thank you for you time.
Yes I can see the drive from WIn Explorer, but when I try to create a backup and save it on the local disk of the Server, I have to go through network and find the share folder on the server to save the file.
Any ideas how can I resolve my isses?

Message Edited by Marios Kokkinos on 03-22-200711:47 PM

Level 3
Hi Marios,

It is strange to have this issue. I like to check when you are at "Location" screen of creating a recovery point, you can click on Browse button. Does the browse for folders show "My Computer" ? If it does, is it here you can't find your drive to save the recovery point. Will entering the drive letter manually help ?

You might want to try this:

As for recovery environment, you can have Symantec create a custom CD for you. See for more information.

Level 2
Hi Tianxiang
No, when I click on browse I can only se My Network places and no My computer. Any ideas?
Thanks for your time

Level 3
Hi Marios,

Try this. Copy and paste the following code into Notepad and save it as "Dialog.vbs"

' File: Dialog.vbs (WSH sample in VBScript)
' Author: (c) G. Born
' Using the shell dialog box to select a folder
Option Explicit

' Flags for the options parameter
Const BIF_returnonlyfsdirs = &H0001
Const BIF_dontgobelowdomain = &H0002
Const BIF_statustext = &H0004
Const BIF_returnfsancestors = &H0008
Const BIF_editbox = &H0010
Const BIF_validate = &H0020
Const BIF_browseforcomputer = &H1000
Const BIF_browseforprinter = &H2000
Const BIF_browseincludefiles = &H4000

Dim wsh, objDlg, objF

' Get Application object of the Windows shell.
Set objDlg = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")

' Use the BrowseForFolder method.
' For instance: Set objF = objDlg.BrowseForFolder _
' (&H0, "Folder for recovery point storage", &H10, "C:\")

Set objF = objDlg.BrowseForFolder (&H0, _
"Folder for recovery point storage", _

' Here we use the first method to detect the result.
If IsValue(objF) Then
MsgBox "Selected folder: " & objF.Title
MsgBox "Canceled"
End If

' Here we use TypeName to detect the result.
If InStr(1, TypeName(objF), "Folder") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Selected folder: " & objF.Title
MsgBox "Canceled"
End If

Function IsValue(obj)
' Check whether the value has been returned.
Dim tmp
On Error Resume Next
tmp = " " & obj
If Err 0 Then
IsValue = False
IsValue = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

'*** End

Using command prompt, run the script by typing "wscript dialog.vbs". See if you have "My Computer" there for selection.

If it doesn't show, check your system files by running "sfc /scannow" or contact Microsoft for help.

If it does show, log a tech case with Symantec.

Level 3
Hi Marios,

I agree with opinion is this...Yes your best bet is to have create a custom recovery cd ISO for you. However as a good start this may also help you

Log in anonymously and then give it a whirl

Hope this helps,