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Restore to any hardware hangs at 1% remaining

Not applicable
We are starting to test version 8 as a recovery tool for some critical desktop systems.  We are able to create a backup image without problem.
When we attempt to restore to a different PC(different hardware) everything progresses to 1% remaining and it stops.  The system is still responsive in that we can tab from the restore process to the main screen.  There is significant CD access at this point and no access to the external HD that contains the image.
We have tried several times and it always fails at 1% remaining. 
Anyone have a suggestion?

Level 6
Is the disk smaller on the target system than is was on the host? 

Level 2
Hi, Have you managed to get any further with this or has anyone had an error at this stage?  We have an HP ML350 which is a DC and Exchange.  I have created the image with no problems but we are trying a restore to a HP DL360 G5 and it errors saying Cluster Beyond End??? The ML350 has a RAID 5 set of 3 72Gb hard drives and the DL360 has 2 x 72Gb drives mirrored.  The image is only 46Gb though.  Do you think the problem is because we are going to a smaller logical drive?  I have tried several times with different options and still the same error?

Not applicable

I am having the same issue trying to restore using a version 8 srd. I am restoring to the same size drive and it is failing as well.


I used the vesrion 7 recovery disk and it worked fine. It seesm there is a new piece in the SRD disk that promts you to create a partition that was not in version 7. The error looks to me like an issue with the partitioning of the disks. Does anyone know if there is an issue with version 8 SRD?

Level 2



Good old Symantec are not interested in helping registered partners unless you pay a support charge!  How are we supposed to sell and recommend the software to our customers if we can not get it to work!


Thanks for adding a response to this problem.  If more people respond then maybe we will get a solution!


I don't suppose anyone would have a working ISO disk image of version 7 that we could test or download from somewhere.


Many thanks. 

Level 4
Partner Accredited

I am just now planning to test BESR for a project but I thought when I downloaded the newest version from the site using my license, that it listed older versions, as well.



Level 3

If someone can send me a private message with information on somewhere I can FTP it to I have the latest 7.0.4 SRD.

Not applicable

*CONFIRMED* BESR 7.0.2 WILL restore images that 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 choke on with "Cluster Beyond End" errors.


E-mail me for a download link.


Furthermore, as long as I am ranting... the "Restore Anywhere" feature does not work if changing the storage controller of the boot device to a device not currently supported on the existing machine. It's a simple enough RegHack (Add the DeviceID to the CriticalDeviceDatabase, add the device service and copy the device driver), but something you'd think the "Restore Anywhere" feature would do on its own...


What's the deal with these fatal flaws, Symantec?

Level 4
Partner Accredited

I just purchased 8.x to do a restore anywhere from a clone server to a new HP.  Would you suggest I downgrade to 7.x to try?   



Level 2

Hi, Sorry for sounding a bit stupid but how do I go about emailing you for a link for the download? Where do I get your email address from?


Kind regards



Not applicable

Well I recently spent a weekend on the phone with Symantec Support working through the same error message that Astoundry said was having.  I was migrating a server from old hardware to new hardware and every option that Symantec had me attempt continued to give the error @ 99%: "cluster beyond end" EA3905F3.  We tried every different option of restore, attempted to convert my BESR image to VMDK which worked and meant the BESR image was good, and I even took a whole new image from the source.  The one issue that seemed to stick out that Symantec was insistent on, was some issue with partitions on the original server.  One difference b/t the servers was a larger sized drive on the old hardware compared to a slightly smaller drive on the new hardware.  (although BESR is supposed to be able to shrink partitions when laying down an image.) 


After spending 2 12 hour days trying to get this resolved, I took Astoundry's option as well as Symantec's, and finally got it to work.  I did both options at the same time simply because I was not going to spend any more time than i had already, so i technically don't know which worked.  Astoundry says to use BESR 7 to create image and lay down on new server; Symantec suggested that I shrink the partition on the original old server.  (Good thing this was a migration only and not a DR restore to different hardware so I still could boot my original server!).  So I uninstalled BESR 8.02 on the old server and installed version 7.04 (FYI: the SRD disk included with BESR 7.04 is actually v7.02 as Astoundry suggests).  Also, i was lucky enough to already have my old BESR 7.0 license key so I could still download v7 from their fileconnect site.  I also shrank the partition of my old source server well below the drive size of my destination hardware.  (using BootIT partition utility)


Unfortunately, Symantec has only a handful of previous cases with error "EA3905F3", and they were not helping support out at all with my case.  Also, when I emailed tech support stating that I had finally resolved my issue by doing both options at the same time, they said they could not post this in their knowledgebase without actually knowing which was the real resolution - whether 8.x would not have choked if I had just re-partitioned the server or if 7.x would have worked either way.  So hopefully this will reach anyone with this problem.

Message Edited by SCollins on 08-23-2008 02:52 PM

Level 4
Partner Accredited

If you have a valid license number, go to, register your license under an account for you and then you can download software direct from Symantec.  In my license I can see the older version CD for download.



Level 6
Employee Accredited
I am curious those on this thread if the BESR 8.5 CD has the same issue now that it is working with the 2k8 based WinPE environment.

Level 2

I had this exact same error message when attempting to do a test restore of one of my Exchange cluster nodes.  The server orginally had a 137GB drive, the system I was restoring to had sufficient space, however, I had instructed BESR to resize to 60GB as I was only using 40GB and wanted to do some additional testing restoring the DB's locally because this particular test server wasn't connected to my SAN.  This error was a result of selecting a smaller partition size for the primary drive, the 2nd attempt I decided to allow for 140GB and it worked without issue.  The particular version I have installed on this server is 8.01.24976, so it appears that at least with this version, resizing the disk to be smaller is not possible.


I can't say for certain if this is an issue with resizing to a smaller disk in general, or if it is something with this being a clustered server that is causing the issue. 


So for what its worth, if you get this error and your disk is smaller or you are trying to reduce the size of the disk, this is likely the cause of this error.  As a previous poster mentioned, his 'new' server had a smaller drive and he had to resize the partition on the old server and create another image.  I don't know if 8.5 resolves this issue, but hopefully it is addressed by Symantec.


Level 6
Employee Accredited



In that particular case (137GB partition to 60GB partition with 40GB occupied) It would not work under any version of BESR due to the way that BESR works. There is a calculation that you can do to figure out the smallest possible size for a partition. It is;


<original disk size>/6+<occupied space>


or in this case;




which equals close to 63GB.


By the way, I really like your screen name.

Level 2

FEI- For Everyone's Information, I recently upgraded to V8.5 from V8.01. I had no problem with the old version but with 8.5 I had this same error message. I stumbled upon this link

so far there is no solution.


I was able to do a succesful recovery using the recovery cd from V8.01 and recovery point created using V8.01. so obviously it's the new version so I might need to go backto the older version for now while we are all waiting for the fix/patch.


Anybody know if there is already a fix?

Level 2

To answer my own question(and I hope it help others), there is already a fix!

I just downloaded BESR V 8.5.1 and used the recovery cd. I was able to test server recovery without any hitch just like before.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Are there others out there still having this issue though with BESR 8.51 build?
