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Testing BESR version 8.5 on SBS 2008

Level 3
Partner Accredited
I am testing BESR version 8.5 on windows 2008 small business server.
I have been able to do a full indepent recovery point of my server ( which is split into 3 partitions ).

When I try recovering this it recovers fine except for Sharepoint and Exchange as far as I can tell.

I have just noticed that the Full Vss option is not checked , so i'm going to try again...

The Share error point in the event log is

Windows share point services 3 event id 3760



Level 3
Partner Accredited
Further to my previous post here ,

In my testing of this I decided to first of all test it on a SINGLE LOGICAL DISK - the setup was a Dell Poweredge 2850 with Perc 4e/Di with one logical drive Raid 5. It consisted of three partitions. The Partitions were c: y: and z: . as mentioned previously the initial indepentednt recovery point was created accross the 3 partitions . I could then restore everything but share point and exchange did not work and the reason was that the drive letters had changed on the restored system and i had to go into computer management and change them back to what i had originally to get sharepoint and exchange to work correctly.

I have a feeling i must be doing something wrong here as this seems like a bit of a problem if its is the case I will test this further and update here.

I also found that if i setup the system with 2 logical drives one for the OS and one for the DATA it had a problem . i had to do one drive at a time and obivously this had to be the Raid 1 OS first. What i was finding was that in my setup with the Powereedge 2850 again if i created 2 logical drive and initialized both when I booted off the recovery Cd and mapped a drive to my network storage where the backup was it would not give me the option to rebuild onto the 2 disks jut the larger of the two which happened to be the RAID 5 Logical Drive.. I'm also going to test this again as it seems confusing , but once i did an initial restore and had data on these disks then it recognised them for the purpose of future restore's.

Level 3
Partner Accredited

I re-tested this and found that when I was doing the recovery I mapped a drive to my NAS and this defaulted to Z: 

This was also one of the drive letters in use by the system I was restoring from,
I found that If i changed that drive letter to something that was not uesd by the system then I was fine.
No problems with exchange to sharepoint and the Server restored and I was backup and running quickly.

I'm going to investigate the issues with a recovery on 2  logical drives a bit further now.
Maybe its something similar...