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restore failed for Windows 2008 R2 active directory.

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

I took a sucessfull image of Windows 2008 R2 having active directory and exchange from BESR 2010.
I tried to restore the same image on a dissimilar hardware, once finishes the restore and reboot, It shows installing devices and services, and after that it gives an error message,
The computer started unexpecteldy or encountered an unknown error. Windows installation cannot proceed, To start windows , click ok to restart and restart installation.
Windows  and unable to get into login screen.


Accepted Solutions

Level 4
I was just about to post whether anyone else is experiencing issues with restoring 2008R2 (domain controller in specific)....

I've been trying and trying to restore to dissimilar hardware for test purposes and have had no luck.  Everything works great when I restore 2003R2....
At least you get your's to boot...

1. When you restored your images (System Reserved and C:\) what did you select for your preferences?  Restore Drive Signature, Restore MBR, etc....??

2. Try this to resolve your issue with the drivers:
When restoring your image, uncheck Restore Anywhere...Then hold CTRL and check Restore Anywhere....  Uncheck Run mini-setup...  You also may have luck with deleting drivers, and prompting for drivers.

Let me know how it goes.

I'm also having issues with converting to virtual machines from an image (which should be a simple task).  2003r2 works, so I know i'm not the dumb one.
All I get are bootloader issues and StartRep.exe does not totally fix it.

View solution in original post


Level 4
I was just about to post whether anyone else is experiencing issues with restoring 2008R2 (domain controller in specific)....

I've been trying and trying to restore to dissimilar hardware for test purposes and have had no luck.  Everything works great when I restore 2003R2....
At least you get your's to boot...

1. When you restored your images (System Reserved and C:\) what did you select for your preferences?  Restore Drive Signature, Restore MBR, etc....??

2. Try this to resolve your issue with the drivers:
When restoring your image, uncheck Restore Anywhere...Then hold CTRL and check Restore Anywhere....  Uncheck Run mini-setup...  You also may have luck with deleting drivers, and prompting for drivers.

Let me know how it goes.

I'm also having issues with converting to virtual machines from an image (which should be a simple task).  2003r2 works, so I know i'm not the dumb one.
All I get are bootloader issues and StartRep.exe does not totally fix it.

Level 4
Are you getting an automatic reboot or does the computer just hang?

If you get a auto reboot, try:
Before your splash screen press F8 to get your boot options.
Select the option to not automatically restart on system failure.  This will show you a BSOD and a code that you may be able to pinpoint the driver that is giving you problems.

Level 4
Finally made some progress.

Converting to VMWare Server 2.x using BESR or VMWare Convertor did not work at all...Wouldn't boot.
Converted to Microsoft VHD and worked like a charm in Hyper Visor.

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

I restored system reserved first with the following options, make active, resrtore MBR,
after sucessfully restored I run the restore for system drive with out any options.

after that it reboots and it installs devices and during the screen for "SETUP is applying for system setting" it gives error message that
"windows could not parsse or process the unattended answer file for pass [specified]. The setting specified in the answer file cannot be applied. The error was detucted while processing setting for component  {Microsoft windows shell setup}"


Level 6
Try the restore with Restore Anyware and uncheck invoke mini setup.

Hope this helps :)

Level 4
Employee Accredited

  Try this article:
