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Level 3
since ‎11-10-2006

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  • 15 Posts
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HI, I am running Netbackup 6.5.2a. I want to restore files from a Win2000 (ntfs) to a Win2003 server (ntfs) - how do I preserve the original file time/date stamp (File Attribute)  when I restore ? (The time/date are set to the actually restore tim...
HI Netbackup 6.5.2a running on Win.2003-R2 server. I try to restore plain files  – to a different client a shared SMB folder on a Qnap-NAS Box (formatted with EXT4) on my network. I get: the requested operation was successfully completed(0) I even s...
Setup:Windows 2003R2, Netbackup v6.5, Freshly installed.Quantum Superloader 3 (DLT2), connected via a SCSI cabel.My Question :I have a bunch of tapes with barcodes ABDxxx,Netbackup re-named a tape to A00001 for the first backup job, Since A00001 wher...
HiI've just upgraded our Netbackup 5.1 -> 6.0 -> 6.0MP3(running on Win2000-SP4 server).When I start the admin. console,the Catalog is empty and all my pools are gone.(all my policies survived )I've tryed to import my catalog back into Netbackup via t...