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15 minutes queued?

Level 4

Hi everyone!


I have a strange phenomenon since upgrading to BE 12: Whenever I start a backup job for a SQL Server (cann't actually say that this is only for SQL backup, but it's most annoying for me there...) the job get's a "Queued" state and remains in that state for 15 minutes every time. After that the backup (Backup to Disk in my case, so definitily no problem with the tape drive...) runs fine and writes the data in a very short time (3 minutes for the 200 MB differential log backup) 


Anyone around any ideas about this? How can I get to the bottom of that? How can I fix that?




Level 6
Employee Accredited

Have you tried creating a test job backing up the same data to see if the same issue occurs?

Level 4
I just created a backup job that is set to just backup one file on the Media Server to a disk on the same server... It also stays queued 15 minutes (and then runs the backup in 5 seconds...)

Level 4
Something else: I just tried enabling PreScan for the backup jobs. This leads to the job no longer being queued for 15 minutes but backup scanning for 15 minutes...

Level 6


Also create another test B2D and see if it behaves in same manner.

Run inventory on B2D and see how long it takes.

Level 4

Sorry, it seems that my last posting was not very well formulated... I know article 191793... I only enabled PreScan for testing to see if it gets me more details...

Also I already switched to B2D testjobs before writing the last entry, just to be sure that it's not an issue with the tape system.

Inventory runs quickly, only backups have that behaviour.



Level 6

What is the device on which the B2D is created?

Configuring advanced options for a backup-to-disk folder 
Uncheck Auto detect settings on B2D properties window and then run the backup job. 

Level 4

Unfortunately no change whatsoever... I tried some other devices too, just to make sure (three different tape drives, a SAS HDD, a network share, a USB 2.0 HDD and an IEEE1394 HDD) all behave exactly the same way with the same delays.

I am under the impression that the systems get's stuck even before it starts doing anything, like if it would be waiting for a response or for a timer to trigger...

Level 6
Is AOFO selected in backup job?

Level 4
Yes. But with SQL backups this shouldn't matter, should it?

Level 6

AOFO is not recommened to use with database back ups like SQL or exchange.

AOFO creates snapshot..which might take time to create snapshots....but it explicitely tells u a bakcup job status as snahpshot-processing....I dont think removing AOFO will resolve the problem...but dont take snapshot backups of SQL as they can not be redirected



Using snapshot technology with the SQL Agent