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Adding/Backing Up Sharepoint Farm when administrative shares are disabled on web server

Level 2

I'm running into an issue when adding our Sharepoint farm into Backup Exec.  This particular web server is public facing and as a best pratice we have administrative shares disabled.  The error I get pertains to the shares being disabled.  Is the a way to backup Sharepoint without having to enable adminsitrative shares?

Here's the error I get  in Backup Exec :

An error was encountered while attempting to browse the contents of Server Farm 1 <Web Server>.  Although the specified server is a SharePoint resource, Backup Exec cannot cofirm the topology.  Review your Sharepoint credentials, and ensure that the services are running on the Web servers.

Here's the error in the event viewer of the web sharepoint:

Event Type: Information
Event Source: BkupExec: Backup Exec for Windows Server
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 7/6/2009
Time: 1:40:53 PM
User: N/A
Computer: <Web Server>
Directory \\localhost\c$ does not exist or the SQL Server service account and the domain\<service account> service account do not have permission to read or write to the backup folder. Specify a different directory.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


Level 6
The following document asnwers your question
 Directory \\localhost\c$ should exist and should be accessible by the account .

Not applicable
Hi, please use the document below in addition to document provided by rahul in order to resolve the issue. Document ID: 300675 Attempting to add a Microsoft Office SharePoint Farm in backup selections gives an Access Denied error or Backup Exec cannot confirm the SharePoint Topology

Level 2
From reading the document... it seems like administrative shares has to be enabled on the frontend server.  There should be a workaround because enabling administrative shares on a public facing frontend web server is not good pratice and also opens up a potential secuirty hole.

Level 6
"it seems like administrative shares has to be enabled on the frontend server." - Correct, this is a requirement for most of the agents at this time.  Currently there is no workaround for this.

If you would like to request a change to this as an enhancement request, please use the following link.

Level 6
I guess this the solution for now
Directory \\localhost\c$ should exist and should be accessible by the account .