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After NT Security Updates Cannot Start BE9.0 Server Service

Level 2
Hi, I recently took over a new network client, so I do not have the background on this. They are running BE 9.0 with SQL Agent on Windows NT 4.0, everything was working perfectly using a Seagate Scorpion 40 DAT tape drive. I noticed that the NT security & critical updates had never been run, so of course I ran them.

After that, BE would no longer start the Server Service. I can't even open the s/w, so cannot check version (they might be running 9.1) or anything, when trying to start the service there are no errors or anything, just keeps running.

When in NT control panel, running the detect tape device just keeps running as well. I looked at the tape device, the driver was loaded but not started, would not start (it is using the newer Seagate driver, not the default NT one). When trying to start the driver, it would just hang. I removed the driver and tried to reinstall it, cannot reinstall, just hangs....
Thanks in advance...

Level 6
Hi Gezeilstra,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused because of the delayed response. Pleases let us know if

your issue / problem is resolved so that we can archive this post. However, if the issues still

persist then refer to the steps mentioned below:

Please perform the following and verify the results.

- Download MDAC 2.8 from the following link:

- Install MDAC.

- Install the latest Jet Pack from the following link:;en-us;239114

- After you have installed verify that there are no MDAC related mismatch issues by using the MDAC component checker. You can download the component checker from the following link:

- Make sure that there are no 3 party applications running. Install Backup Exec.

If the above steps do not resolve then we suggest you to run a repiar installation.

We hope this will help.

Please update us on the issue so that If the issue still persists we can troubleshoot the issue


If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be presumed to be

answered and will be marked as assumed answered and archived.


Level 2
I have actually solved this on my own, what happened is that installing the Microsoft Critical & Security updates somehow corrupted some of the BE services. This locked the NT services database, so I could not change these services to manual start or disable them in order to prevent them from trying to start when rebooting the server. This also prevented me from being able to uninstall or reinstall the BE software, it would hang on trying to stop the services.

I had to go into the NT registry and change all BE services (including related SQL services) to disabled, then I was able to reinstall the software and repair the installation, after which everything was fine.

Level 6
Thank you for the update.

We appreciate the efforts you have taken to resolve the issue.

Level 6
Issue resolved.