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B2D Failing

Level 2
BackupExec 10.1 rev 5629

I had 2 400GB USB drives working for months via \\ UNC path.

Recently had a major drive problem on a bigger server and didn't have tape or USB space so I removed one of the 400GB USB drives and replaced it with a 750GB drive.

Since then I get a failure testing a backup.

I've read the articles on B2D creation etc.. I've deleted and created all new B2D folder with new name, it writes the config file data in there just fine.
However it fails with the following in the log.

"Media Capacity CheckDevice : B2D MSEF001Online append capacity : 0.000 MBOnline overwrite capacity: 0.000 MBTotal append capacity : 17,381 MBTotal overwrite capacity : 369,664 MBCapacity check status : FailedMiscellaneous : "

Why does it say 369,664 MBCapacity when it's 750GB

Regardless... how do I correct this problem and get the drive operational again. Do I need to hack the registry or something else?
Need this fixed so I can backup the server to replace it's volume.

Level 2
Gee so glad the Internet boom came and went, and now software support is turned over to overseas support, but wait... it gets better. Now we don't have to pay for overseas workers either. Let's just FORCE everyone to use a discussion group where they have to sit by and wait for us. What sheer genius - we'll save millions of dollars and all the while will tell our customers that the web forums will be really great for them so they can get input from other users as well.

Great -

Anyone have a time machine so I can go back to the old support before Symantec bought them up.

Level 6

Does this error occur during test run? Is there any other error in job log?

Also refer:

Run a overwrite job on the new backup to disk media and check the results!

Best regards,

Level 4
Have u checked the Maximum allocation of that B2D folder in BE

Level 6

Is the issue still persists?

Could you please update us on the same.


Level 2
Yes the issue still exists, but 4 days before the first response and 10 days before you chimed in is ridiculous. Who can wait for 4 days for support in the fast paced World we all live in.

Oh well...

As I see it, it is a software glitch. The "TEST" fails, however, running a real full job runs just fine. So the backup works, but the TEST fails for some reason.

I'm okay with that I suppose, but really sad to see real support reduced to such a dismal level.

Level 6
Hi Ron,

Since you changed the device from a USB to a drive the device related information in the database must have gotten corrupt.

Try running a Repair installation from Add/Remove programs. Reboot then verify the results!