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BE 12.5 - Cannot change catalog location to "replicated"

Level 3
Hi BE Guru's

I'm trying to change my customer's CASO & MMS environment to enable catalogs to be stored both remotely on the CASO and locally on the MMS (replicated)

So using the Media Servers tab on the CASO I have selected each MMS in turn (there are 6) and gone to the properties advanced tab where the only Catalog location option not grayed out is the Central administration server (centralised).

I've checked the docs and it doesn't mention any restrictions for any of these settings so I can't work out why I am restricted to this config - can anyone suggest a reason for this or what I need to do to enable the replicated section so I can select it?

My customer would like to have the logs replicated but I led him to believe that nothing else in his config would need to be changed so I need to figure out what else needs to be done and run this by change control before I can "play around" with his live and v. busy system 

If you can offer any help/advice i'd really appreciate it


Employee Accredited Certified
If the ADAMM location for each MMS is changed away from the default (of on the CASO) or if SSO is installed then you will see restrictions as to where the various components can be.

Level 3

Hi Colin,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The ADAMM is located on the same SQL server as the BE database for each of the MMS's.

I have the following entries in each of the MMS's registry:

Database Instance Name     REG_SZ     BEV
Database Server Name         REG_SZ     SQL-01

Catalog Database Instance Name     REG_SZ     BKUPEXEC
Catalog Database Server Name         REG_SZ     <local MMS>
Server Database Instance Name        REG_SZ     BEV
Server Database Server Name            REG_SZ     SQL-01

The CASO has a folder for each MMS in <BEhome>\catalogs containing catalogs and also each individual MMS has a folder locally in <BEhome>\catalogs containing catalogs but the folders on the CASO contain far more files so I think that the local repository only holds the catalogs of locally created and ran jobs?

I would like if possible to have each individual MMS hold all catalogs for the jobs run on it irrespective of whether they were run locally or via the CASO.

Do you know whether this can be configured?

Thank you very much for your help so far


Employee Accredited Certified
What I mean by ADAMM location is what the Media Servers page on the CASO server Console shows against each MMS - in the lower pane
It can be set to CASO or MMS.

However If SSO is installed in your environment this will also limit settings - from one of your other posts I gather that you do sometimes use CASO and SSO on same systems - is this true of this environment as if it is the only way to release the configuration is to uninstall the SSO components.

BTW CASO can support SAN attached devices without SSO needing to be installed - although from a licensing point of view you do need to own the SSO licenses.

Level 3
Hi Colin,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Looking in the Media Servers Tab on the CASO the following Advanced settings are listed for each of the MMS's:

Device and Media database location:    Central Administration Server
Catalog location:                                         Central Administration Server (centralised)

The CASO is not fibre attached, it is purely used for administration however when I check the install licenses on the CASO SSO is listed.

I did not design or build this environment and it is heavily used (170 windows servers backing up daily) so I don't really want to mess with it unless there will be a massive benefit. I feel that to have all catalogs only on the CASO is a bit like having all my eggs in one basket.

Are you saying if that I remove SSO from the CASO I can then select the replicated method for catalog location? Doesn't this mean that I would no longer have a centralised ADAMM or would I need to move this to one of my other MMS's?


Employee Accredited Certified

Yep the presence of SSO forces certain settings on you.
Removing SSO is not that simple - unless somehow the MMS servers  were not made into SSO Secondary servers as well
to find out if your MMS servers were also SSO configured, go to one of the MMS servers and run Regedit.

Look in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\\Backup Exec\Server

if it is not there or set to 0 it was not configured for SSO
1 = SSO Primary (your CASO will have this, the MMS serevrs should not)
2= SSO Secondary

WARNING: do not change this key using regedit unless insctuctred by Symantec - there are processes for removing SSO.

Note having SSO allows you to configure more options and can be very useful if slow links between servers are involved, however the process of removing SSO might be a lengthy one for an existing environment and you may want to actually have a proper support case open with Symantec for assistence.

Also I am actually surprised things are working well if the CASO is the SSO primary but does not have access to the library.