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BE2012 Can't restore mailbox items Exchange2007

Level 3

When I'm trying to restore mailbox items from Exchange2007 the job runs for a while and asks for the correct tape wich I insert but after a while an '0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource' error.
I tried different mailbox items from different users but the result is the same everytime.

When I try to restore a file to a directory there is no problem at all.

Regards Marcel


Partner    VIP    Accredited



The default staging location for a GRT-based restore is C:\Temp. Firstly make sure there is enough disk space on this drive as your Information Store is big. If not, you can move the temporary staging location to another location.

Otherwise consider duplicating the Information Store to disk first, and then restore from there.



Level 4
Accredited Certified

For error: 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource, you can refer below link

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...this is for BE 12.0. The OP tagged BE 2012...are you sure this is going to work, or is this just a copy/paste?


Level 4
Accredited Certified

Yes, because i passed with same problem and i worked on BE 2012 and this solution solved my issue before.

Level 3

Thank you all for responding.

I followed the link provided by Mai Ali but no succes, see log:

Job ended: woensdag 14 mei 2014 at 8:27:01 Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again. If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource. Final error category: Resource Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33932

Some extra info below:

I created a new mailboxstore with a test user in it to restore the items to.

The progressbar keeps saying "Staging" and asks me a few times to insert another tape with a specific label wich I insert if he asks. After 3 tape-changes he gives me the error like before.

We do a incremental backup Mo, Tu, We, Th, weekends we do a full backup.

We use 1 domain server (SBS2008) wich is also the exchange server.

We have plenty of diskspace.

Regards Marcel

Level 3

Followed your link but the result is still the same:

Job ended: woensdag 14 mei 2014 at 8:27:01 Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again. If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource. Final error category: Resource Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33932


We do a incremental backup on weekdays and in the weekends we do a full backup with a rotating set of 4 (weekend)tapes.


Level 3


Partner    VIP    Accredited

So...have you checked to make sure that BE has enough disk space on C:\Temp to temporarily hold the Information Store? If not, change the location to a drive with enough disk space free and then run the restore again.

Level 3

First of all I want to thank you all for responding.

I followed the link provided by Mai Ali but the result was the same.
I created a new storage group and moved the (current) mailbox to the new storage group.
I tried to restore a few items from the users mailbox.

First he asks for a tape called "Dinsdag-2011", after about 7 minutes he asks for a tape called "Thursday-2011", after a few minutes he asks for a tape called "Week-01-2011", all these tapes I inserted as requested but shortly after inserting the last tape he canceled the job with an error. (see below)

Job ended: woensdag 14 mei 2014 at 13:59:25
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again.  If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33932

Some extra info:
On weekdays we do an incremental backup and in the weekend we use a weektape for a full backup.
We have plenty of diskspace on our server.

When the restore starts I see the progressbar wich isn't filling all the time.
Operation: staging,
Bytes are counting up from 0 to 13,8GB,
Rate around 1456MB/sec.

The items I want to restore are far from 13,8 GB, at most 5MB.

Regards Marcel

Level 3
I followed the link provided by Mai Ali but the result is the same as before. I created a temp storage group, I copied the affected user mail box to the new created storage group. User doesn't have any problems at all with his mailbox in general. Job ended: woensdag 14 mei 2014 at 13:59:25 Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again. If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource. Final error category: Resource Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link......... Some extra info: When the restore starts I see a progressbar but it isn't filling all the time. I see underneath the progressbar: Operation: Staging Bytes: counting up until it reaches 13,8GB Rate: 4156MB/sec (about) The restorejob only are a few mailboxitems wich are at most 5MB total. We have plenty of space on our Windows SBS2008 server. Kind regards Marcel

Level 4
Accredited Certified

Try to put FQDN of Exchange Server that you use it for restore in hosts file because it may can't reach to it and try restore again {put in \etc\hosts, FQDN    IP address}. and update me with Result.

Also verify that Account which you are use in restore is member of Backup Operator, Exchange admins and administrators Group. and all mailboxes which failed in Restore is active.

   VIP    Certified
If connectivity is a problem, isn't it easier to ping or telnet from one server to another?

Level 4
Accredited Certified

No, because may be problem is DNS which Hang sometimes can resolve and sometimes not. and if he still have problem. he will need to monitor his network to make sure that he haven't any network connection lack.

   VIP    Certified

If the DNS server is the problem, then he will have bigger problems to deal with.

Level 3

Sorry for all the different posts I made yesterday but yesterday when I posted something I didn't see it on the forum and now they suddenly appeared.

Can it be a DNS problem?
We only have 1 Domainserver in the office wich is also the Exchange server.

I try the hosts file resoltution and get back here ASAP.

Kind regards Marcel

Level 3

Still the same result after putting the FQDN in the hosts file.

I use the default settings to restore the items:
To original location.

I found out our temp folder is D:\temp, I see the folder filling up with files wich belong to the restore job.
The Exchange datbase is also on D: (D:\Exchange Server\Mailbox\First Storage Group\).

After the error occurs and the restore job ends the 3 folders with the names Image....... are disappearing from the temp folder.

Regards Marcel

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...sorry to respond so late, but if the files are disappearing, have you made sure that no AV is actively scanning that temp folder, and maybe removing the files?


Level 3

I disabled AV but unfortunatly the result is still the same.

He deletes the generated files after the backup fails and not the other way around.


Regards Marcel

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...OK, but have you tried to duplicate the Information Store to disk manually instead of restoring? If not, do so...then restore from disk.
