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Backup Exchange "Staffelspeicherort"

Level 4

I get error messages when trying to backup Exchange.

"Bei dem für den Staffelspeicherort verwendeten Speicherort  muss es sich um einen beschreibbaren NTFS-Datenräger handeln..."

I guess, the problem is the way, the B2D is configured: It is a CIFS-Share on a NAS.

Is this really the problem ? What can I do ?


Partner    VIP    Accredited


Can that NAS do iSCSI? If so, I'd recommend creating an iSCSI LUN and presenting this through to your media server. If using Windows Server 2008 R2 for instance, just activate the iSCSI initiator on that server.

Configure the disks and then try running a backup to this LUN. This would get around any authentication and disk config issues.


Level 4

Basically, the NAS can do iSCSI.

It is a NAS based on the NAS4Free-Software.

I already configured and tried B2D to a iSCSI-Target. The iSCSI-Target on the NAS was on a ZFS-volume, limited to 400GB at first.

At first, it worked perfectly. But with growing numbers of B2D-files on that iSCSI-Target, I ran into strange error messages "istgt_lu* write failed"  or something like that.

So, i gave up and configured B2D to pint to a UNC-share.


Level 5
Partner Accredited

Perhaps it is not a Problem with the B2D Device.

Perhaps the Folder which ist configured for Staging is not availible anymore.

Please check the following Configuration.

For me it is "G:\Temp\Backup Exec"



If this was helpful please mark this as solution.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...I tried UNC on a couple of Iomega ix-/px- NAS arrays. Worked, and then proceeded to fail miserably and never worked again. Hence going the route of iSCSI.

If you can only carve out 400GB LUNs on the NAS, have you tried to carve out multiple 400GB LUNs, present them to the media server and then use Windows Disk Manager to span the volumes into 1?


Partner    VIP    Accredited

...this would work if the OP was doing a VMware backup, and you're assuming he is doing this by posting that information above!

Level 4

@Lothar: Yes, the Exchange-machine is a VMWare-machine. I did not pay any attention as I clicked to backup the InformationStore on the Machine itself, not in the VMWAre-tree.


The directory-setting is C:\TEMP (not c:\TEMP\BackupExec as your setting), but I have a directory BackupExec in TEMP already.

Everybody has full access to this directory and availables space is about 16.5GB.

BTW: The BE machine is a VM also.


Level 4

400GB is really small amount, I know.

But I decided to use only small portions for the first tests.