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Backup Jobs Not Finishing even though Verify has Completed

Level 2
Using Backup exec 10.0 Rev 5484 Sp5 on IBM X series 225 servers with VXA2 and VXA3 tape drives. Both drives have latest firmware on them. Job starts at 6pm and backups up and verifiy 70 gig in 7 hrs but then sits there an does not complete job until I go in and look at it then next monring, if I don't open the job it can sit at 99% complete for up to 62 hrs before it will cloase the job, even though it has backed up and verified the data it won't close job either with eject tape or do not eject tape. I notice on the VXA2 config of the device it is set to 64K for block size and Buffer size and the Write single bloke mode and wirte SCSI pass thorugh mode ar both turned on, however when I tried to set this on teh VXA3 drive it will not stay whether I restart services, restart server it deafult to 1 k for both. IBM just say set latest firmware then it must be software, but we are running it fine on 11 other server with same build, drives and firmware.

Level 3
No experience with non Wintel versions of BEX, but is there an Alert waiting for you to "Remove the Media"?

Level 2
NO Alert but this problem hapeens whether I have automatically eject tape on completeion tick or not

Level 6
Are you using the latest Veritas Drivers?

Have your tried manufacturer drivers?

Any Event Log entries that may apply?

Have you tried creating a new job, without ejeft specified?