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BackupExec arbeitet nicht mit 2. Laufwerk

Level 3

Guten Morgen,

folgendes Problem: Wir benutzen einen Scalar 100 als Backuploader und als Software BackupExec 11d. Nun ist vor geraumer Zeit eins der beiden LTO Laufwerke kaputt gegangen. Daraufhin haben wir ein neues bestellt, welches lt. Verkäufer baugleich ist, und haben es eingebaut.

Jetzt ist es jedoch so, dass BackupExec das Laufwerk zwar ansprechen kann -> Im Gerätemanager von BackupExec wird es als "IBM4" geführt und zeigt auch keinen Fehler, wie z.B. Offline, etc.
Auch kann ich ein Reinigungsband in das Laufwerk schicken. Das ist aber auch schon die einzige Kommunikation mit BackupExec. Von der Jumperstellung her, sollte das auch alles passen, sonst gäbe es ja Probleme, wegen SCSI. Da aber ID und Platz unterschiedlich sind, kann ich das denke ich auch ausschließen.

Nun hoffe ich, das evtl jemand das Problem schon hatte und mir weiterhelfen kann


Mit besten grüßen,

Michael Lang


   VIP    Certified

1) Delete the library from BE

2) Shutdown both the media server and the tape library

3) power up the tape library.

4) power up the media server

5) in the Windows device manager, make sure that you can see the tape library as an Unknown Medium Changer with a Microsoft driver and the two tape drives.

6) in BE, use the Device Configuration Wizard to re-install the library and tape drives.

Level 3

Tanks for the answer.

I deleted the 2 LTOs, reinstalled it with the windows driver. Then I started the wizard and now the Symantec Drivers are installed.

Now I have "IBM1" and "IBM2" instead of "IBM3" and "IBM4". But now there is a new problem. If i click on "Auftragsübersicht" I can read the following status: Bereit; Das angegebene Zielgerät auf dem lokalen Medienserver ist leer.

No job started and nothing happens. When I click on "Devices" (Geräte) I can see the following:


I hope you can help me again, because at the moment, there is no backup for us :(


Best regards



At the menu "Meldungen" I can see the following:


"Das Gerät \Device\Scsi\adpu16m1 hat innerhalb der Fehlerantwortzeiten nicht geantwortet"

"Der Wechselmediendienst kann die Bibliothek Tape0 nicht verwalten. Die Datenbank ist beschädigt" -> Ive seen this before, but it works always...

   VIP    Certified

Did you follow the procedure that I gave earlier, including re-booting the server and the tape library?  If not, you should follow the procedure exactly!

If your Removable Storage Manager service is started, stop it.  It should not be started.  Ensure that it is not started.

Level 3


i did it like you said before. Deleted the Tabe Drives and the Library. But now it's the case, that i can read in the status "Bereit; Unbekannt". I read in a FAQ that you have to inventory the Libraries. I did this, but at ~97% der was an Error. That says that the Loader has a Problem. But when you look to the Scalar 100, there is no problem.

And now i can only make B2D and not to Tape. And that is very uncool, if you know what i mean ;)

I really have to find a solution and I hope you can help me with this problem!


Tank you for your help!

   VIP    Certified

Try running the manufacturer's diagnostic utility against the library.  Stop all the BE services before hand and select the write test.  This is to eliminate hardware errors.

Under the Windows Device Manager, make sure that the tape library appears as an Unknown Medium Changer with a Microsoft driver.  If it is not, change the driver using he procedure below

How to uninstall the Original Equipment Manufacturer driver for the medium changer in a robotic libr...

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...if it shows Ready; Unknown, I've found 1 of 2 things work for me:

1. Restarting the BE services and then running the Device Configuration Wizard once more to install the Symantec drivers.

2. Opening up the selection list and making sure the jobs are targetting the correct drives/slots etc.

Level 3

Thanks for your Help again.



1. Restarting the BE services and then running the Device Configuration Wizard once more to install the Symantec drivers <- I did this, but there was nothing new at the end.

2. Opening up the selection list and making sure the jobs are targetting the correct drives/slots etc. <- I checked this, and is the right target as it was before my whole problems.



Try running the manufacturer's diagnostic utility against the library.  Stop all the BE services before hand and select the write test.  This is to eliminate hardware errors. <- I don't have a diagnostic Tool for our loader, that's the problem.

Under the Windows Device Manager, make sure that the tape library appears as an Unknown Medium Changer with a Microsoft driver.  If it is not, change the driver using he procedure below <- I did it, but nothing happend.


I made some Screenshots maybe you can see more things than me. This is from the Device Manager and the BE itself.

I REALLY hope, you can find the mistake, I don't know what to do..

Thanks guys, you're great!

Level 3

Ok guys, i guess I got it.

The destination for the library was wrong. Now i fixed it and the first Tabe job started. I tried to change another one. When the first Backup is complete, I hope that he starts the next without any action of mine.

I will give a statement here, when I'm finished.


Thank you VERY much for your help!

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Mmm...take all the tapes out, run a Scan/Inventory, and once it completes, put the tapes back. Then run a Scan/Inventory and see if this sorts things out.

Level 3

Hey there,

it's me again.. I fixed the problem above. The solution was, that there were the wrong devices for the jobs.. But now i've another problem.

I got another  LTO and it's now in the loader, too. The same drivers, correct jumpers, new scsi cable. And it ALSO works, when i make an inventory. It loads the Tapes and unload it, too. But it doesn't work when a job wants to start. Just the old one works, not the new one.


Can you help me again?


Best regards



Level 6
Partner Accredited

Do you have more than 1 tapedrive in the library ?
Then you need the LEO (Library Expansion Option) License to get the second drive working at the same time as the first drive.

Level 3

Yes, there are 2 drives but i worked, the whole time. Then suddenly the second LTO didn't work.. I switched the LTO and turned on the new one.

We use the complete BackupExec 11D software, licensed.

Is there an option where I can see it or what do I have to do now?


Thanks for your help

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Not sure if it works in BE11d, but go to Help -> About and choose license information to view your current licenses.

Level 3

thanks for the info. There is a "Yes", but not installed. Don't know how that could be. How can i install the extension? In BackupExec or on thy Symantec website?




I looked in the installation manager and found the following screen... It says its already installed, but in the license overview it says, that its NOT installed.. any idea?


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Maybe you have installed it in the past, and when the second drive was installed in the library, the 60 days of trial started.
Now the trial has expired, and you will not be able to use it, untill you add a proper license.

Level 3

ok, this is a possibility.

And what i've to do now? In the licence menu delete the Key for the LEO and add it again?

Partner    VIP    Accredited



Do you remember buying  license for LEO? If so, uninstall and reinstall it with that license.

If not, you need to contact Symantec's licensing department to buy an LEO license for the second drive.



Level 3

ok, then I will re-install it. Of course we bought the whole license with every product!

I will try this and will report if it was successful, maybe another user has the same problem.


Thanks to everybody for the great help!

Level 3

Sorry it's me again.. I tried to reinstall the service but can I do this without deinstall the whole programm? Anyway i can't make a dumb of the Jobs, Libraries, ... In de BEService Tool it says, that the Dumb is done, but there is no dumb..

Now i want to know if it's possible to reinstall the LEO WITHOUT reinstall the whole BackupExec.


Thanks for your help again :)





I deleted the Key and installed it again. After a reboot I started BE and it said: "Theres more than one drive, please ..." Then I installed the Service again, and there was no Error. But there is only one LTO working...

Still anyone there with an idea? :(


Thanks guys!


And suddenly a wild Error Report appears: Das Gerät \Device\Scsi\adpu160m1 hat innerhalb der Fehlerwartezeit nicht geantwortet


E/ The Backup loader is still as "Unknown Media" in the Device Manager!!