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Backupexec 12.5 backup fails

Level 4
we have a fresh install of BEWS 12.5 onto our Poweredge 1900 connected to a HP 920 SAS tape drive and have run LiveUpdate to update to the latest service packs/ hotfixes etc.  The remote agent is installed and running and we have configured a backup set to run.  however when we do a "test run" the backup fails with the following messages in the error log:

Credentials CheckDevice : \\RGW2K3SERVER, C:Check status : Error: e000846b, The job failed.

Device : \\RGW2K3SERVER, D:Check status : Error: e000846b, The job failed.

The Logon account is configured for the same logon details as the server account but we cannot work out why the job is failing

Level 6
Partner Accredited
What are you trying to backup, to what kind of storage location? (B2D Folder, Tape,etc.)

Have you updated the RAWS (Remote Agent for Windows Servers) on the machine you are trying to back up, too?
If not, please run the deployment tool from the media server again and bring the RAWS up to date.
After that, please try the backup again.

Is a Firewall running? Or is the Windows Firewall running? Is there a AV software, which could block communication?
In many cases, windows firewall is still running if you look under services.msc, even if it is disabled via GUI. Please chack that on all machines.
Also please make sure communication on port 10000 is possible and that no other software uses it.

best regards


Level 4
We are just trying to backup files on the two hard disks to the HP SAS920 Ultrium 3 tape drive.

The Remote Agent "About" and the BEWS say they are the same version.

There is no firewall as the data, BEWS and tape drive are on the same server.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Same version, e.g 12.5?
The problem are the hotfixes, if there are hotfixes that touch the RAWS (and there were some) you should deploy it again from the BE Server, to update the RAWS.
Please do that and try the backup again.

best regards


Level 4
I may be being thick here but where do you deploy the remote agent from within the BE Server as I can't find any reference to it other than deploying to a remote server and not the BE Server

Level 5
Partner Accredited
 Hi Mike,

You must ugrade the agents if you installed patches/hotfixes to your BE Server. In order to re-install the agents you can run directly from the BE Server menu (install agents) exactly as you did at first place.
If the BE finds another instance of the BE agent, it will inform you that it will be ugraded to the latest version. Keep in mind that if you send the agent on an oracle or SQL server, this server should be rebooted after the installation of the new agent.
The other option is to find in the BE Server installation folder the RAWS folder and the new agent should be there for various OS.

Do the upgrade and let us know.


Level 6
Partner Accredited
here is a manual, how to do a push installation of the RAWS from a media server to another machine.
As nia already said: If you do this again to a machine, which already has the RAWS installed, BE will state the number of updates, that will be applied.

to make it clear for me:

You are trying to backup local hard disks of the BE Server on to tape?
If so, then you additionaly need to install the remote agent for windows servers on to the BE server.
If you already did so, please update it, as mentioned above.

best regards


Level 4
I have updated the RAWS and now when i run a test run on the backup, the remote agent shows that a backup job is running (showing the the agent is recognised and is operational).  However, it still fails and in the logs, for the various backup selections, it shows the "logon account" as blank. Shouldn't this show the logon credentials that we have set in the setup phase?

it gives us error code E0008703

Level 4
Sorry, forgot to mention that you are correct that we are backing up the local hard disks of the BE Server onto tape.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Did you ever try to run the job, instead of doing a test run?
Would be interesting to know, what happens if done so.

The given error code returns 4 articles in the knowledgebase, you should check them, too.

best regards


Level 4
Right, I have updated BEWS to the latest version, created the transform, configured a group policy object to install the remote agent at logon and checked that both BEWS and RAWS are the same version 12.5.2133 but the backu pstill fails by not connecting to the agent.  The drive is detected and is working as you cna inventory, lable or erase a tape.  this is now extrememly frustrating as it should not be this difficult to implement a backup solution.  My frustration is born out of the fact that there is no way to get the remote agent to automatically update (via LiveUpdate) and can only be deployed as a software installation.  one other thing, why is there no utility for checking the connection from BEWS to RAWS to verify connectivity?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Hi Mike
Test run can be misleading, speacially when you are running it for the first time, without having run any backups before. The reason for this, is that the test run collects information from existing jobs. Hence, as no old jobs have run, it may show failures. I would advise to go ahead run a test backup in stead of doing a test run. Try backing up a small file or folder, i am sure it must succeed. Once you have tested the backup with small folder, go ahead with your regular backups.

Please mark it a solution, if this helps.


Level 4

we have tried to backup small files but the instance the job starts to run it fails saying that it cannot find the agent or it is not installed even thoug the agent is running in the task bar

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Mike, could you please paste the exact content from job log?

Level 4

This the text on the front screen

"Server Backup -- The job failed with the following error: The resource could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent.
Make sure that the correct version of the Remote Agent is installed and running on the target computer.  If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource."

The text from the Job Log shows the following:
Job ended: 08 August 2009 at 22:34:33
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe000846b - The resource could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to the Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent.
Make sure that the correct version of the Remote Agent is installed and running on the target computer.  If the server or resource no longer exists, remove it from the selection list. Edit the selection list properties, click the View Selection Details tab, and then remove the resource.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33899

Click an error below to locate it in the job log
Backup- RGW2K3SERVERRemote Agent not detected on RGW2K3SERVER."

i have taken screenshots of both the RAWS and BEWS "About" information but can't find how to upload them. they both show the same version though


Level 3
hi mike,

As I have gone to your entire case history everything is fine.
Try one more thing as mentioned:

1) find 'beremote.exe' file in backup exec installed directory and properties of beremote.exe-->version.
2) same version should be there if you verify the remote agent installed server. the path will be 'c:\program files\symantec' find in symantec folder.
3) If the verision match then its fine, if not please repush the agent.
4) Create a new job with new selection list.
5) Check for resource credentials.
6) try to run the job. it should work.

If above mentioned step couldnt help then try a backup job to run on backup to disk folder.

Please let me know for any further queries,


Level 4

I have checked the beremote version and it comes up as 12.5.2213 as per the BEWS version.
i have created a new job that is set to backup one folder on the C: drive with approx 20 small driver files in.
Checked the resource credentials and it passes the test stating is is using server credentials
Try to run the job and it fails instantly with the same error messages as above.
Tried a backup to disk job and this faisl with the same errors


Level 4
I have the same software with license, setup on another server with an Ultrium 2 drive which backs up and i have compared the RAWS and BEWS versions, setups, GPO, credentials etc and they are set up identically. one works, one doesn't.

Level 4
One thing i have noticed in checking, bouble checking, triple checking everything is that the RAWS has what appears to be a sub version number of 2213.133 which doesn't show in the Admin console, this just shows as 2213.

is this anything to do with it and if so how do we bring the console up to this subversion when it is from an update?

Level 6
Partner Accredited
This means, that there are already hotfixes applied to the RAWS.
Please simply do the following to get everything on to the same, latest state:

Update the BE Server, after that you can see every Update installed by clicking Help -> about BEWS -> installed Updates
After that, just push the agent again from tools menue from the BE Server to the Client. BE will state, that there will be X updates applied.


check on the client, that firewall or antivirus which could block the install are disabled and please also check in the task manager, that no msiexec process from another installation or deinstallation process is running.

This should eliminate some error sources...

After bringing everythin to the same state, restart the services on the server and on the client and run the test backup of some files again please.

best regards
