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'Connection with server failed' on Job Selection list

Not applicable

Hi all

I have Backup Exec 2010 SBS Suite SP1 running on an SBS 2008 machine, backing up the local machine and two Server 2003 machines with Remote Agents.

Backups then started failing with 'Final error: 0xe0000383 - Failed to log on to Microsoft Windows' While starting to troubleshoot that I noticed that when opening a Selection list for an existing or new job, it's blank with the message 'Connection with servre failed. Hit <F5 to retry>

I have tried creating a new user, a member of only the builtin Administrators group and 'Domain Admins' which all services on the Media Server and Remote machines are logged in as, but sitll no joy.

As per another post I found, I started the Remote Agent Service with the '-debug' parameter set, but i'm afraid it's Greek to me. Results below:

[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Opened debug log file C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\logs\mediaserver-beremote00.log
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking service rights and pending reboots.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for pending install reboot.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Pending install reboot not detected.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking to see if start up checks have been disabled.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 No start up checks have been disabled.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Opening process token.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Getting token SID.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Got current SID: 'S-1-5-21-378298493-3439683728-2355025290-4663'.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for local system account.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Got local system SID: 'S-1-5-18'.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Not running as local system account.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for admin privileges.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Current user does have admin privileges.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for specific required rights.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for 'Backup Files and Directories' privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Privilege is enabled.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for 'Restore Files and Directories' privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Privilege is enabled.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for 'Create a Token Object' privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 ERROR: AdjustTokenPrivileges( ) could not enable privilege ( 0x514 ).
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for 'Manage Auditing and Security Log' privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Privilege is enabled.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Checking for 'Take ownership of files and other objects' privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 LookupPrivilegeValue( ) found privilege.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Privilege is enabled.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Not checking for 'Act as part of the operating system' privilege as it is not needed for this environment.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Error accessing regkey: Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Open File Option\ConfigOrphaned snaped can't be cleaned up. Maybe a privilage issue
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 CleanupOrphanedSnapshots(). Lauching cleanup thread..
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:34 CleanupOrphanedSnapshots(). Cleanup thread lauched. Exiting.
[9628] 07/01/11 09:53:34 VssSnapshotVolume::CleanupOrphanedSnapshots(). No orphaned snaphots found
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 FS_InitFileSys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsnt5.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsadc.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedssql2.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 bedsxchg.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 VirtApi DLL WAS LOADED FROM VirtApi.dll.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 VirtApi DLL load check succeeded.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Virtual DB's WILL BE USED!
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsxese.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsmbox.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 bedspush.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsnote.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsmdoc.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedssps2.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedssps3.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsupfs.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsshadow.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsoffhost.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 bedsdpm.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedscps.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 bedsvx.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 bedsorcl.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedssmsp.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsra.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsrman.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsdb2.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsss.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 VirtApi DLL WAS LOADED FROM VirtApi.dll.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 VirtApi DLL load check succeeded.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Virtual DB's WILL BE USED!
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsadgran.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsev.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 [AgentID:25] ... failed to load bedstrace.dll.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 FS_DleGen: Failure to create debug trace object at line number 99
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 [AgentID:2a] ... failed to load bedstrace.dll.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 FS_DleGen: Failure to create debug trace object at line number 99
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsvrtsrv.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsvmvcb.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsspn.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 [AgentID:2b] ... failed to load bedstrace.dll.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 FS_DleGen: Failure to create debug trace object at line number 99
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsNTFSArchive.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 MapiDll::Initialize() ... default MAPI32.DLL is loaded
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 MapiDll::Initialize() ... failed to get 'MAPIInitialize' (0x7f)
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded BedsExchMailArchival.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 loaded bedsevm.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 bedsdfsr.dll could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Initializing FSs
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 calling mapi initialize
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Mailbox: InitializeDAPI failed.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::ParseExcludedList - DBDIRMAN.NSF
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::InitializeLNUCJWrapper
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::InitializeLNUCJWrapper - Exiting[0]
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::InitializeAllVolumes
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent - CLNVolume::InitInstance - ReturnValue[0]
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent - CLNVolume::InitInstance - ReturnValue[0]
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::InitializeAllVolumes - Exiting[0]
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::InitInstance - Exiting[2]
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Function called: RMAN_InitFileSys
[11796] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Event: Global\RxService CREATED
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 IsIDRInProgressPriv: 0x0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 IsIDRInProgressPriv: 0x0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Informational: Initializing the BeDiskFind library 'BEDiskFind.dll' in SHADOW::InitBeDiskFindHelperApis
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Informational: BeDiskFind library 'BEDiskFind.dll' initialized in SHADOW::InitBeDiskFindHelperApis
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Informational: Initializing the BeDisk library 'BeDisk.dll' in SHADOW::InitBeDiskHelperApis
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Informational: BeDisk library 'BeDisk.dll' initialized in SHADOW::InitBeDiskHelperApis
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 first load attempt of esebcli2.dll failed: The specified module could not be found.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 esebcli2.dll found in BackupRestore dll directory
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 ESE_InitPlatinum loaded esebcli2.dll from C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\esebcli2.dll.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 *** C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\esebcli2.dll - 8.1.329.0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 *** C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\store.exe - 8.1.338.0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Status Unknown (0x00000002) opening Cps registry key 'Software\Symantec\Backup Exec CPS' in CPS::InitCpsHelperApis:379
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Informational: Initializing the Cps library 'C:\Program Files\Symantec\Continuous Protection Server\Services\CPSVersion.dll' in CPS::InitCpsHelperApis:410
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Status Unknown (0x0000007E) loading Cps library 'C:\Program Files\Symantec\Continuous Protection Server\Services\CPSVersion.dll' in CPS::InitCpsHelperApis:417
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Status Unknown (0x0000007E) initializing Cps library in CPS::InitFsys:93
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 Function called: DB2_InitFileSys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 ADC_InitFileSys entered
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:34 ADC_InitFileSys: established top domain <GC://DC=domain,DC=local>
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 Input Error ( 0) for Type: (43)
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 InitFsys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 Function called: EVM_InitFileSys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 Checking whether to initialize the tape server or not ...
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 Win32AllowTapeServer: Could not open the key 'Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Tapeserver', error: 2
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 QueryIfServiceIsPresent: Status for service 'BackupExecDeviceMediaService': 4(0x4) { 'SERVICE_RUNNING' }, Process PID: 10616(0x2978)
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 NDMPDMainThreadFunc: We are part of a Media Server installation, so dis-allowing the Tapeserver to initialize!
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:37 Could not resolve the "bews-ndmp" or the "ndmp" service, error code: 10109, using port 10000
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:38 @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1188(0x4a4) retval = 0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:38 @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1184(0x4a0) retval = 0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:38 BETCPListener::BETCPListener: This system appears to be a Dual Stack system.
[10052] 07/01/11 09:53:38 Started NDMP Listener on port 10000
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:39 IDS_INSTLIST_DEDUPE not installed
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:39 {ERROR} PDDE::StartWriterProcess() return=[0x80070490 UNKNOWN ERROR]
[8304] 07/01/11 09:53:39 Running... 'Q' to stop
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisement cycle started.
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 Informational: Restrict Anonymous Support is enabled
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 creating DLE for local machine
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 BENetConfigEx: Successfully refreshed adapter information.
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 EnumClusterDLEs: Could not opening cluster : The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 7 returned 0(0x0) and 1 DLEs
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mediaserver
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 HrESEBackupRestoreNodes: mediaserver = 0x00000000
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 Recursing
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mediaserver
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 mediaserver is an Exchange server
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mediaserver: 1
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 HrESEBackupFreeNodes:
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mediaserver: 1
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 Trying to open: 'LDAP://CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local'
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 ExchangeDN: 'CN=mediaserver,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local' LegacyExchangeDN: '/o=domain/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=mediaserver'
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mediaserver
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 HrESEBackupRestoreNodes: mediaserver = 0x00000000
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 Recursing
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mediaserver
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 mediaserver is an Exchange server
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mediaserver: 1
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 HrESEBackupFreeNodes:
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mediaserver: 1
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mediaserver
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 HrESEBackupRestoreNodes: mediaserver = 0x00000000
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 Recursing
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mediaserver
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 mediaserver is an Exchange server
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mediaserver: 1
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 HrESEBackupFreeNodes:
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mediaserver: 1
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: Nrds Message Len : 5385.
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 RMAN_EnumSelfDLE: AgentConfig GetOracleDBNames returned error. If Oracle Agent is installed, please run AgentConfig.
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 14 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 37 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 39 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 42 returned -536805816(0xE000FE48) and 0 DLEs
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 43 returned -536805816(0xE000FE48) and 0 DLEs
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=mediaserver, service=6101
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 CreateConnection type=0 on socket 1324 via BESocket OK
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: send of mediaserver.domain.local type 7 subtype 2 to target=mediaserver port=6101 succeeded
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1324(0x52c) retval = 0
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=mediaserver, service=6101
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 CreateConnection type=0 on socket 1328 via BESocket OK
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: send of mediaserver.domain.local type 7 subtype 2 to target=mediaserver port=6101 succeeded
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1328(0x530) retval = 0
[13004] 07/01/11 09:53:47 NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisement cycle complete. Waiting 240 minutes before advertising again.
[10580] 07/01/11 09:53:48 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[7056] 07/01/11 09:53:48 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[11184] 07/01/11 09:53:52 NrdsAdvertiserThread: negative (purge) advertisement cycle started.
[11184] 07/01/11 09:53:52 NrdsAdvertiserThread: no purge is pending.
[11184] 07/01/11 09:53:52 NrdsAdvertiserThread: negative (purge) advertisement cycle complete. Waiting 240 minutes before advertising again.
[10580] 07/01/11 09:53:54 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[7056] 07/01/11 09:53:54 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[10580] 07/01/11 09:53:57 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[7056] 07/01/11 09:53:57 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[10580] 07/01/11 09:54:00 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[7056] 07/01/11 09:54:00 DS_LogonSelectionService: domain\BESADMIN
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1164(0x48c) retval = 0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1180(0x49c) retval = 0
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 FS_RemoveFileSys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 EMSDB32.dll not found
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 About to call MAPIUninitialize at e:\malta\2896r\engine\fsys\mb2\agent\..\m2initfs.cpp(337)
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 Function called: RMAN_DeInitFileSys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 Informational: De-initializing the BeDiskFind library 'BEDiskFind.dll' in SHADOW::DeInitBeDiskFindHelperApis
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 Informational: De-initializing the BeDisk library 'BeDisk.dll' in SHADOW::DeInitBeDiskHelperApis
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 Informational: De-initializing the Cps library 'CPSVersion.dll' in CPS::DeInitCpsHelperApis:553
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 Function called: DB2_DeInitFileSys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 ADC_DeInitFileSys entered
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 DeInit
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 Function called: EVM_DeInitFileSys
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedssmsp.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsmbox.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsnote.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 Notes Agent:CLNPartitions::DestroyInstance
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsrman.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedssql2.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsmdoc.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsshadow.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsupfs.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedssps2.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsra.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsoffhost.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedscps.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsdb2.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsss.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsadgran.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsadc.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedssps3.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsvrtsrv.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsvmvcb.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsnt5.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsev.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsspn.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsevm.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading BedsExchMailArchival.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsNTFSArchive.dll
[10052] 07/01/11 09:54:17 unloading bedsxese.dll
[8304] 07/01/11 09:54:22 OpenEvent() Unable to open the event: [0x2=2] The system cannot find the file specified.
[8304] 07/01/11 09:54:22 {ERROR} PDDE::EventHandle::Open() return=[0x80070002 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
[8304] 07/01/11 09:54:22 Handle not open
[8304] 07/01/11 09:54:22 {ERROR} PDDE::WriterRunning() return=[0x80070002 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
[8304] 07/01/11 09:54:22 PDDE Writer is currently not running

Any Help is much appreciated.





Accepted Solutions

Partner    VIP    Accredited



I'd start by running a repair of BE. Do that, and try again with the original account, making sure it isn't locked out and is a Domain Administrator at a minumum.

Also make sure all your services are started up correctly.



View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Accredited



I'd start by running a repair of BE. Do that, and try again with the original account, making sure it isn't locked out and is a Domain Administrator at a minumum.

Also make sure all your services are started up correctly.

