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Does BE2014 Hyper-V GRT support MS SQL 2005 installed in VM?


I have a Backup Exec 2014 SP2 media servers and I have Microsoft Hyper-V 2012.

I have a VM that installed Windows server 2003 x64 SP2 with MS SQL 2005 SP4. I installed BE remote agent to the VM and I can see all SQL resources under the VM. When I backup this VM and enable SQL GRT. The job is completed successfully but I only see the drives under the VM and can't see any SQL resources.


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

SQL is a supported application for Hyper-V Application GRT and SQL 2005 with SP4 is compatible with BE 2014.

The restore can be initiated from two places. If you right-click the Hyper-V host and choose Restore, you would be able to restore the complete VM. However, if you right-click the VM itself and choose Restore, you would be able to restore individual files/folders and SQL as well. (And for SQL to appear, an Agent for Applications & Database license must be installed as well).

   VIP    Certified
SQL 2005 SP4 is supported. Did you install an Agent for Application and Databases license on the media server? Did you expand the server itself and not the VM? See my article below


When i choose "Restore", i don't see any SQL resources. But when i backup from the VM itself, i can see SQL resources.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

You would not see any SQL resources, if you choose "Restore" by right-clicking the Hyper-V host. GRT restore options are available only if you choose "Restore" by right-clicking the VM itself.

Did the backup complete successfully without any errors and/or exceptions ? If yes and if properly licensed, then you should be able to see the SQL resources.


Yes i installed an Agent for Application and Databases license on the media server.


Yes I tried your link. I tried to expand the server itself.


The job is completed successfully without any exceptions.

The SQL 2005 is a single node cluster inside the VM.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Typically clustered applications which are distributed across VMs are not supported for Application GRT, however a single-node cluster should be fine.

Would you pls attach/post the completed job log and a screenshot of the restore selections ? Thanks.

Lastly, are you able to run an actual backup using the Remote Agent from the SQL server directly ? And if yes, does SQL show up in the SQL restore selections ? (This is just to narrow down various possibilities as to why the SQL DBs aren't shown in the restore selections)


Yes, I am able to run an actual backup using Remote Agent from the SQL Server directly.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

If you are able to run a RAWS based backup of SQL successfully and see the DBs in restore, then you should be able to view via the virtual agent as well (as long as one meets the virtual agent's compatibility).

These are the Hyper-V restrictions (non-supported) features when it comes to GRT -

Application is distributed / clustered across VMs.
Dynamic Disks (MBR or GPT)
Pass-Through Disks
Fibre Channel Adapter
Shared vhd/vhds files
Offline backup
SMB network protocol
Windows Storage Spaces

If the VM meets any one of the above points, then application GRT isn't supported.

Would you post a screenshot of the restore selections (via the Hyper-V agent) and the job log as well ? Thanks.