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Duplicate to tape BE 2012

Level 4


I have 6 jobs duplicating my jobs to tape on the weekend. 

Moslty the jobs fail for various reasons, here is a sample

All Virtual Machines fail with:

Unable to determine ADAMM media identification. Catalog query failed.

Folder and file backups fail with:

Source backup set had completed with following error/exceptions

V-79-57344-33037 - Physical Volume Library Media not found.

The query for media sequence number 47 of the media family was unsuccessful.

Ensure that all media in the family have been inventoried and cataloged.


I have run inventory and catalog on all the relevant backup media and still get the error.




Level 5
Partner Accredited

Please Check following article.

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Level 5
Partner Accredited

For the adam error

Do you use Policys?

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Level 4

Yes I use policies, I will follow your articale and let you know what happens.


Level 5
Partner Accredited

There is another article from you which perhaps belongs to the same Problem.

If the backups does not apper in Restore Selections, the Source Backups for duplication cannot be found too.

These two funktions use the same catalog.


Perhaps there is a Catalog Problem.

Is a reinstallation (Deinstallation/Installation) a oportunitiy?

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Level 4

I followed the first articale you posted and found 10 entries to delete. I think this will fix this problem. I need to run the job this weekend to confim.

Are you talking about completely uninstalling BE or just creating the jobs again?

I guess I could reinstall, what a nightmare ;)

I recently upgraded to 2012. Do you think it all got screwed when I did the upgrade?

One flaw in the above theory, I can still duplicate some of my physical machine data to tape, but I cannot see it as a restore option.






Level 5
Partner Accredited

I just read your post in the other article

I hope the database cleanup helps.

If not the there is another posibility. Cleaning up Selectionlists for duplication by recreating all jobs which have this problem.

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Level 5
Partner Accredited

Level 4

No, I have never been able to restore at file/folder level from a VM backup either in 2010 r3 or 2012. I had a symantec technicain work on the 2010 r3 version for 2 months and he could not fix the issue. He didn't seem like he knew what he was doing.

I have a newly created 2012 VM backup. I just used a policy template. Its backs up the VM with an error and I cannot restore at file level, nor duplicate it to tape. 



Level 5
Partner Accredited

Let us see what the database cleanup changes to the Duplication errors.


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