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Ejecting tape every time a new job is started manually

Level 3
Hello there

Two problems, hopefully someone can help me with.

We are running Backup Exec 10 for windows. The system is equipped with a HP LTO3.

Problem 1.
A job have been created and run on a daily scheduled basis without problems, that is if all data can be on one tape, if the backup requires two tape it keep ejecting tape number two when inserted.

Problem 2.
When I start the same job manually it start kicking out the tape, however the same job run fine if it starts as a achedule.

Please help

Steen A


Level 6
1)  When you give it a second tape, is that tape scratch/overwritable?  You cannot continue on an Appendable volume
2)  Before startign the job manually, do an inventory of the drive.  If the info shows in Blue, then the tape is overwritable, if  in  Black, then the tape is protected. 
     perhaps when the scheduled job  starts, enough time has passed that the tape has changed from protected to overwritable?

Level 3
Hello Ken
Thanks for taking time to help me.
The second tape is a complete new tape, how does I make it ready to be used as tape two?
Steen A

Level 6
If you have labeled the tape, it should be in the scratch pool
Even if you haven't labeled the tape, BackupExec should accept a brand new tape and give it a default label