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Error: 0xe0000393 (V-79-57344-915) Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup.

Level 3

For the last few days I've been getting the following error message. I've tried restarting the server and manually backing up the Exchange database using the ntbackup utility which did complete successfully. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas/solutions?


V-79-57344-915 - Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options.  The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file:  '-528 The current log file is missing. '

Final error: 0xe0000393 - Cannot extract mailbox messages from the Exchange backup. Review the job log for more information. Final error category: Resource Errors


Server Information: Windows 2003 SBS, Backup Exec 2010 R2


Accepted Solutions

Level 6

The Much Awaited Hotfix is released




Backup Exec 2010 R2 Revision 4164 Hotfix 148347



Please update the results after successful backup

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Are you doing the GRT backup of exchange and does it go to any SAN / NAS device. If you are doing the GRT backups then it would check the logs on your exchange if they are in consitency state. Do you see any error message in the event veiwer on exchange about this error.

Level 3

Yes, we do have the GRT functionality enabled and we are backing up to a Dell PowerVault 124T.

I did notice a few of these messages appearing in the system log while the backup is running:


Event ID: 45

Target:  F:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\SPSWrapper.exe
Event Info:  Terminate Process
Action Taken:  Logged
Actor Process:  F:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\beremote.exe (PID 8832)
Time:  Tuesday, December 28, 2010  7:00:33 PM

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

Run LiveUpdate and make sure you have the latest hotfixes for BE 2010 R2 and the remote agent is also updated if the exchange server is different from the media server. I guess in your case the Media server and the exchange is same as you are using SBS.

You can check this though it's for 12.5 and this issue is fixed in the current release of BE 2010 you are using.

Level 3

Yes, the remote agent is up to date and the exhange server is the same as the media server.

I ran live update yesterday and there were no updates available. However, I ran it again today and there was an update (Hotfix 145462) so I installed it.

Thanks for the information, but it appears that the workaround is no longer necessary as there was a hotfix released to correct the issue.

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified

It's a good practice to exclude beremote.exe from the tamper protection. Since the backup is going to Tape it would be a good idea to check if you receive the same error while doing the backups to disk. Since there is difference in how catalog is generated while doing backups to tape there might be a possibility that the issue occurs only while doing backups to tape.

Even if the backup to disk fails than we need to check any events from the exchange side for log file missing or something like that.

Level 3

Ok, I've added beremote.exe to our scanning exception list.

I backed up the exchange database yesterday to disk using ntbackup and it worked perfectly. I didn't see any errors in the log using that utility.

I've searched through the log more and found a couple issues during backup:

Event ID: 5008

The message tracking log file F:\LogFiles\NTSERVERO.log\20101219.log was deleted.

Event ID: 1000

#50070: Unable to connect to the database STS_NTSERVERO_1 on NTSERVERO\SharePoint.  Check the database connection information and make sure that the database server is running.

Level 3
Partner Accredited

Same problem on windows server 2003 / exchange 2007.

It is start happening last few days after applying last 2010 R2 patches; yesterday i found two other patches but the problem is not resolved.

Some news?

Level 3


I have same problem. My scenario:
- Backup Exec 2010 R2 on a Windows 2008 DC server.
- Exchange Server 2003 on a Windows 2003 server.

Everything working fine until a few days ago. No warnings, no errors events in my Exchange Server.
The backup completes on all of my 4 servers but when it verifies the backup, it shows the error.



Level 3

I have the same problem as you GAG and playpiano, since updating via LiveUpdate just a few days ago the error started, backup completes but verification fails.

I have just noticed event logs on the exchange server from Backup Exec CPS telling me that it failed to run due to pending restarts from an other application.

I discovered that the remote agent was the application in question, it needs to restart the server to complete an upgrade of the remote agent software, i've scheduled this for tonight so i'm hoping it resolves the issue.

Thought it may be worth checking for you too?

Level 3

Hi Paul_L,

Thanks for your feedback.
I had the same problem (and solution) than you a couple of weeks ago.
After updating bexec remote agents in my 4 servers from my Bexec server, the server which runs Exchange Server 2003 started to fail backups.

The solution was restarting that server because it had no completed the upgrade of the remote agent. After that, everything was working fine again, until this new problem arised.


Exchange Server:
- Updated Bexec Remote Agent with the last hotfixes and restarted the server.
- Checked and defragmented Exchange Server stores with ESEUTIL. No problems at all.
- Make a backup with Microsoft Backup, also without problems.
- No warning events, no error events.

Backup Exec Server:
- Updated Bexec 2010 R2 with the last hotfixes and restarted the server.
- Try another backup ONLY from my Exchange Server: SAME ERROR, backup completes but verifies fails. If I try to restore something from this backup, I can't.

At this point I'm completely blocked. I have no more ideas.
I'm thinking on reinstalling Backup Exec 2010 R2 from the very beginning and see what happens because it looks like it's a problem with Backup Exec.

Any ideas would be very apreciated.

Level 2

Same issue.  I have an open case with Symantec/Dell right now.  I was hoping the hotfix below would address our issue but it did not.

Level 3

GAG.. Have you re-run the Remote Agent installer to make sure there isn't a further update for the remote agents, i just ran it again and there was yet another update required.

As a test you could also try uninstalling the more recent hotfixes from your Media server?

Instructions on uninstalling hotfixes found here...

Level 3

Hope thit open case will give us a solution soon mklbolt.

I re-run the Remote Agent installer Paul_L, and all my 4 remote servers appears up to date.

It's holiday already in Madrid, so uninstalling hotfixes (it seems a great idea Paul_L) have to wait until Saturday (or even Sunday or Monday, I'm afraid, ;-)))

Happy new year for everybody. Try to be happy !!

Not applicable

Not sure if it was hotfix 143746 or 143981 but after removing these two patches I was able to successfully backup Exchange with the GRT method without any errors. The above problem did start for me after those two hotfixes were installed and the latest two did not help fix the issue. I had removed the latest hotfixes as well before unistalling the 143746 and 143981 as to not cause anymore problems.

Level 3

Just like djfiend said, was the patches.

I've uninstalled patches 146017, 145462, 143981 and 143746.
After that, tried again a backup and no problems at all.

Level 3

I decided to disable the GRT option and my backups have been fine so far. I haven't tried to uninstall the service packs.

Level 2

I'll be trying fjfiend's suggest tomorrow.

Level 3

Glad to hear the uninstallation worked GAG and djfiend, think i'll try uninstalling the patches myself.


It's funny how an update to improve the GRT in Exchange actually breaks it :)

Level 2

I've uninstalled patches 146017, 145462, 143981 and 143746.

Now my jobs won't complete.  They say they are running for hours upon hours and wont fail. I'm going to try reinstalling 143981 because it looks like it may fix my issue.


B2D: A communications failure has occurred between the Backup Exec job engine and the remote agent