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Error trying to reinstall BE 10.0

Level 3

We had a problem with our backup exec install that caused us to try and reinstall. We tried re-installing over the top of the previous install but thi sfailed so we had to remove manually by deleting the Veritas Folder underneath Program Files and deleting "most" of the registry entries (we haven't managed to delete them all as the are thousands!).

We are now at a point where we can start a BE install without the installation software telling us that we have to Add, Repair or Remove the installation so as far as Windows is concerend this is the first time it has happened.

However, when we run the installation we get the following error message, "Internal Error 2755. 1610, \Veritas Backup Exec For Windows Servers.msi".

We get the folowing message in the installation log:
"DEBUG: Error 2755: Server returned unexpected error 1610 attempting to install package D:\Support\Software\BackupExec10\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\VERITAS Backup Exec For Windows Servers.msi."


"ERROR: Internal Error 2755. 1610, D:\Support\Software\BackupExec10\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\VERITAS Backup Exec For Windows Servers.msi".

I have no doubt that the way we removed the software initially is causing a problem as we haven't removed all the registry entries. Can anyone shed some light on what I need to do next?

Thanks for your help,


Level 4
Alex is your main man here:

Have used this several times with good results.

Level 6

We do not recommend performing manual uninstall. Please call us if you wish to perform uninstall.

Another option would be to use MSI cleanup and delete all entries of Backup Exec, reboot the server and try the install again. If the error persists, do revert.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2


I am looking for help. I think I have encountered the similar problem as the previous discussion in this forum,

I think that I stuffed up the un-installation of Backup Exec 12.5. When I was trying to uninstall the product and I was unable to do so, so that I went registry deleted all the related Symantec entry, deleted all the files from systems, and also uninstalled BACKUPEXEC SQL instance from SQL server 2005. Now I am trying to reinstall the Backup Exec 12.5, I am getting the following error: "Internal Error 2755. 1610, D:\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers.msi". If I choose to run the msi file directly, I will get the following message: "The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel"

I have downloaded and installed the latest Micorsoft Installed Package. The other thing when I was trying to re-install the software, the system can still remember the license key of backup exec.

Thanks in advance for your help.
