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Exchange 2003 SP2 access denied to mailboxes

Level 3

Yesterday I have installed the SP2 for Exchange 2003 and since then the individual mailboxes backup doesn't work due to an access denied.
I had a similar problem some time ago and the problem was due to a problem with the anonymous access. here is the link that refere to that problem:�

The logs from the agent are very similar to the one previously seen except one:

4368] 08/24/06 09:47:21 Somehow we failed but without setting the return code hres =8004011c
08/24/06 09:47:21 ConfigureMsgService() returned 80040115.
user lanbackupuser
08/24/06 09:47:21 Somehow we failed but without setting the return code hres =80040115
08/24/06 09:47:21 MailBoxDS::Attach: Was not able to log on as user:
08/24/06 09:47:21 DSEnumerator failed with -536836984: Access is denied.
08/24/06 09:47:21 ndmpSendReply: message:0xf315
08/24/06 09:47:21 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0xf315

The only difference I have noticed is one that line:

08/24/06 09:47:21 MailBoxDS::Attach: Was not able to log on as user:

the user name is not shown as previously.

Could you help me on this as it is critical issue for us.

Thank you,


Level 3
It seems it has something to do with privilege...

Is there a way to identify the missing privilige from the logs or whatever ???

I have been through all article about access denied and nothing worked...

I am in touch with Veritas support by email but until now they just redirected me to the article i have already checked several times. I don't blame them to do so but they asked me for the logs + the cab file from the begather and it doesn't seem very useful apparently.

Here is the complete log of a job backuping only the mailboxes (it stops after a couple of minutes):

08/28/06 13:47:11 Received connection from
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpRun: Control Connection Accepted : connection established between IP, port xxx and IP, port xxx
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpCreateConnection
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdConnectionHandler: received connection(472).
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendRequest: message:0x502
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:40
08/28/06 13:47:11 sent seq#: 1 msg: 0x502
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x900
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdConnectOpen: protocol_version:3.
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0x900
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:32
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x900
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x901
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdConnectClientAuth: auth_type:BEWS.
08/28/06 13:47:11 Successfully impersonated xxx\backupuser
08/28/06 13:47:11 WhoAmI( ) reports: xxx\backupuser
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0x901
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:32
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x901
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x100
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdConfigGetHostInfo:
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0x100
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:228
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x100
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0xf270
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdPropSet:
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdPropSet properties before:
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdPropSet properties after:
08/28/06 13:47:11 NDMP_PROP_PEER_OS_TYPE=NT
08/28/06 13:47:11 UTILITY_PARTITION_OEMIDS=��
08/28/06 13:47:11 SPS_SERVER_LIST=
08/28/06 13:47:11 BE_JOB_ID={D86F5DE2-A853-4577-81A3-DE773A30D2E6}
08/28/06 13:47:11 BE_JOB_NAME=Test Mail
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0xf270
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:32
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0xf270
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x108
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdConfigGetServerInfo:
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0x108
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:100
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x108
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0xa08
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdMoverSetRecordSize: len:32768.
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0xa08
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:32
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0xa08
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x100
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdConfigGetHostInfo:
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0x100
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:228
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x100
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x409
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdDataListen:
08/28/06 13:47:11 Media Server has initiated the connection for data transfer
08/28/06 13:47:11 Remote Agent is listening for the Data Connection at:
IP :
Port : xxxx
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpSendReply: message:0x409
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_writeit: len:44
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x409
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:11 dataAcceptConnection
08/28/06 13:47:11 dataAcceptConnection: Received connection from
08/28/06 13:47:11 dataAcceptConnection : Data Connection information : connection established between IP, port xxxx and IP, port xxxx
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x401
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpdDataStartBackup:
08/28/06 13:47:11 startBackup: bu_type:dump
08/28/06 13:47:11 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x401
08/28/06 13:47:11 AssertPrivilege( SE_SECURITY_NAME ) failed: Not all privileges referenced are assigned to the caller. 08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: USERNAME=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: NOPASSWORD=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: USERNAME=xxx\backupuser
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: PASSWORD=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: INITIATOR_SID=0@D0000000DE0000OT`b0fU3S?LT;fXkl@D000
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: PRESCANDLE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: OPER_TYPE=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BLOCKSIZE=400
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SSETRESERVED=400
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_PRE_BKUP_DBCC_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_POST_BKUP_DBCC_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_POST_REST_DBCC_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: LAST_SET=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_REGISTRY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_INUSE=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_MIGRATED=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_EXPANDED=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: PROCESS_EMPTY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SWCOMPMODE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SWCOMPLEVEL=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SWCOMPTHRESH=10
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BACKUPTYPE=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SPS_METHOD=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_METHOD=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_NO_RECOVER=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_STANDBY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_ALWAYS_SNAP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_XCH_METHOD=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_MBOX_METHOD=4
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_MBOX_SIS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_NTFS_SIS=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: AA_PRIORITY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_RSM=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_EXCLUDE_ACTIVE_FILES=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: TRAVERSE_LOCAL_MP=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: TRAVERSE_REMOTE_MP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DO_SNAPSHOT=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SQL_FORCE_NP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SQL_OVERRIDE_FGDEPS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SQL_ALERT_FGDEP_OVERRIDE=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SFC_WITH_SS=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_REMOTE_STORAGE_HSM=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SKIP_OPEN_FILES=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: WAIT_SKIP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: HIDDEN=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: PROC_SYSTEM_FILES=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_LDM_STATE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_DISK_QUOTA=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_IN_DOC_FMT=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_REGISTRY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_HW_REGISTRY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: IGNORE_TREE_RESTORE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SECURITY=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: VOL_RESTRICTIONS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_XCH_PUBLIC=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_MBOX_USER_FLAG=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_MBOX_USER_PASSWORD=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: MEDIA_SERVER=mail server
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SPS_SERVER_LIST=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SPS_COMMIT_RESTORE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SPS_PRE_BKUP_DBCC_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SPS_POST_BKUP_DBCC_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SPS_POST_REST_DBCC_TYPE=2
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: CONTINUE_ON_SPS_DBCC_ERROR=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: JOBNAME=Test Mail
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_XCH_PRIVATE=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_REMOTE_HSM=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_RSM=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_DISK_QUOTA=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_JUNC_AS_DIR=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_PRIM_REPLICA=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_TERMINAL_SERVICES=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_WMI=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_CLUSTER_QUORUM_DB=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_FORCE_RECOVERY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_EXISTING=3
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_XCH_NO_LOSS=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_ESE_MOUNT=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_ESE_DISMOUNT=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_ESE_LOG_PATH=C:\TEMP\
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_ESE_LAST_SET=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_ESE_NO_LOSS=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_POINT_IN_TIME=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_POINT_IN_TIME_DATE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_POINT_IN_TIME_TIME=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_PRE_BKUP_DBCC=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: BU_SQL_POST_BKUP_DBCC=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_POST_REST_DBCC=2
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: CONTINUE_ON_DBCC_ERROR=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_AUTO_MASTER=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_DATABASE_STANDBY=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_DATABASE_RECOVER=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_LOG_MARK_RESTORE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_LOG_MARK_NAME=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_LOG_MARK_STOP_BEFORE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_LOG_MARK_AFTER_TIME=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_LOG_MARK_DATE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_LOG_MARK_TIME=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_DEF_INSTANCE_DIR=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_USE_DEFAULT_DRIVE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_ALL_TO_DEFAULT_DRIVE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_DEFAULT_DRIVE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: ARCHIVE_PRESERVE_TREE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: APPLY_CPR_TO_BACKUPSET=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: IMAGE_METHOD=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: GUARANTEED_FROZEN_IMAGE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: FULL_IMAGE_METHOD=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: TESTRUN_JOB_OPTIONS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: USE_CHANGE_JOURNAL=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DOMINO_BACKUP_METHOD=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DOMINO_LAST_BACKUP_DATE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DOMINO_LAST_BACKUP_TIME=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DOMINO_MAX_TRANLOG_EXTENTS=46
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SAP_JOB_FLAG=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: IMAGE_DBLK_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: PROC_CHECKSUM_STRM=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DOMINO_OFFLINE_BACKUP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: ENABLE_IDR_INFO_GATHERING=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: IMAGE_OPTION_AUTHORIZED=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: GRFS_TIMEOUT=5a
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DO_OFF_HOST_BACKUP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: OFF_HOST_BACKUP_OPER_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: PRESERVE_CTIME=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: FOLLOW_SYMDIRS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: INCLUDE_REMOTE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: NO_NFS_LOCKING=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: TRUE_IMAGE_BACKUP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: NDMP_PORT_RANGE=0-0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REVERSE_CONNECTION=1
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SNAPSHOT_ID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: OFF_HOST_SNAPSHOT_ID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DEVICENAME="\\mail server\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes"
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DEVICE_OS_ID=20
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DEVICE_OS_VER=3
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DEVICE_MAINTYPE=b
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DEVICE_SUBTYPE=3
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: FILESYSTEM="\\mail server\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxesxxxx *.*",s,v0,t0,l0,n0,f0

08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: JOBNAME=Test Mail
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_ESE_LOG_PATH=C:\TEMP\
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: REST_SQL_LOG_MARK_NAME=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ModifiedOnly is 0
08/28/06 13:47:11 SWCompMode is 0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: MEDIA_SERVER=xxxxxx
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SPS_SERVER_LIST=
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: SPS_COMMIT_RESTORE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: GRFS_TIMEOUT=5a
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: DO_OFF_HOST_BACKUP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: OFF_HOST_BACKUP_OPER_TYPE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: PRESERVE_CTIME=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: FOLLOW_SYMDIRS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: INCLUDE_REMOTE=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: NO_NFS_LOCKING=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS=0
08/28/06 13:47:11 ENV: TRUE_IMAGE_BACKUP=0
08/28/06 13:47:11
SMSAPIShim: Couldn't load BESMDR.DLL. No SMS support is loaded.
08/28/06 13:47:11 Parsed /os=mail server
08/28/06 13:47:11 Parsed /os=mail server
08/28/06 13:47:11 SQL2_FindDrives - the default SQL Service is not running on mail server.
08/28/06 13:47:11 Device Shadow?Copy?Components Dle platform 2 major version 5 minor version 2 build 3790
08/28/06 13:47:11 AddESE_DLEs( )
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs for sever name mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered: mail server, NULL = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupRestoreNodes: mail server = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 Recursing
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 mail server is an Exchange server
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mail server: 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupFreeNodes:
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mail server: 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupPrepare: Microsoft Information Store, mail server = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupFreeInstance:
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupEnd: Microsoft Information Store = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs( )
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs for sever name mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs: annotation != NULL
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupPrepare: Microsoft Information Store, mail server = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 ESE_CheckForRSG( )
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupFreeInstance:
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupEnd: Microsoft Information Store = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEFreeRegistered:
08/28/06 13:47:13 Utility Partition/Partition's found on this system.
08/28/06 13:47:13 Parsed /os=mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 ConfigureMsgService() returned 8004011c.
08/28/06 13:47:13 Somehow we failed but without setting the return code hres =8004011c
08/28/06 13:47:13 ConfigureMsgService() returned 80040115.
user backupuser
08/28/06 13:47:13 Somehow we failed but without setting the return code hres =80040115
08/28/06 13:47:13 MailBoxDS::Attach: Was not able to log on as user:
08/28/06 13:47:13 AttachToDLE(\\mail server\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes)()( -536836984)
08/28/06 13:47:13 FS_CreateTempDLE
08/28/06 13:47:13 0 = 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 1 = 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 2 = 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 3 = 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 4 = 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 5 = 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 6 = 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 7 = 0
08/28/06 13:47:13 Error 0 opening cluster on \\mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 Error 0 on NetShareEnum of \\mail server, level 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 NTFS_SurrogateCalling: mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 Error opening cluster on mail server:
08/28/06 13:47:13 Enumerating local drives
08/28/06 13:47:13 Creating DLEs:
08/28/06 13:47:13 \\mail server\C:
08/28/06 13:47:13 \\mail server\D:
08/28/06 13:47:13 \\mail server\E:
08/28/06 13:47:13 Parsed /os=mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 MailBoxDS::RemoveDrive done.
08/28/06 13:47:13 Parsed /os=mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 MailBoxDS::RemoveDrive done.
08/28/06 13:47:13 SQL2_SurrogateCalling - the default SQL Service is not running on mail server.
08/28/06 13:47:13 Device Shadow?Copy?Components Dle platform 2 major version 5 minor version 2 build 3790
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs( )
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs for sever name mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered: mail server, NULL = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupRestoreNodes: mail server = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 Recursing
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 mail server is an Exchange server
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mail server: 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupFreeNodes:
08/28/06 13:47:13 AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer mail server: 1
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupPrepare: Microsoft Information Store, mail server = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupFreeInstance:
08/28/06 13:47:13 HrESEBackupEnd: Microsoft Information Store = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs( )
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs for sever name mail server
08/28/06 13:47:13 AddESE_DLEs: annotation != NULL
08/28/06 13:47:14 HrESEBackupPrepare: Microsoft Information Store, mail server = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:14 ESE_CheckForRSG( )
08/28/06 13:47:14 HrESEBackupFreeInstance:
08/28/06 13:47:14 HrESEBackupEnd: Microsoft Information Store = 0x00000000
08/28/06 13:47:14 HrESEFreeRegistered:
08/28/06 13:47:14 Utility Partition/Partition's found on this system.
08/28/06 13:47:14 Attach to \\mail server
08/28/06 13:47:14 Parsed /os=mail server
08/28/06 13:47:14 ConfigureMsgService() returned 8004011c.
08/28/06 13:47:14 Somehow we failed but without setting the return code hres =8004011c
08/28/06 13:47:14 ConfigureMsgService() returned 80040115.
user backupuser
08/28/06 13:47:14 Somehow we failed but without setting the return code hres =80040115
08/28/06 13:47:14 MailBoxDS::Attach: Was not able to log on as user:
08/28/06 13:47:14 Detach from \\mail server
08/28/06 13:47:14 AttachToDLE(-536836984)
08/28/06 13:47:14 startBackup: CreateBSD() failed!
08/28/06 13:47:14 Job Stop(10) - Mon Aug 28 13:47:14 2006 08/28/06 13:47:14 MailBoxDS::RemoveDrive done.
08/28/06 13:47:14 MailBoxDS::RemoveDrive done.
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpSendReply: message:0x401
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_writeit: len:32
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x401
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x403
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpdDataAbort:
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpdDataError: 0x2
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpSendRequest: message:0x501
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_writeit: len:36
08/28/06 13:47:14 sent seq#: 11 msg: 0x501
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpSendReply: message:0x403
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_writeit: len:32
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x403
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x407
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpdDataStop:
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpSendReply: message:0x407
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_writeit: len:32
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x407
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpProcessRequests
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: reply_expected:FALSE
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_recv_msg
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_readit: len:4000
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: processing message 0x902
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpdConnectClose: called.
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpClose
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x902
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmp_process_messages: no more messages in stream buffer
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpFreeMessage: message:0x902
08/28/06 13:47:14 ndmpDestroyConnectionMessage was edited by:
Christophe Dechamps

Level 6

Can you tell us what are the articles that you have checked so far regarding this error? You have mentioned that the problem occurs since you installed SP2. What are the privileges given to the account used to backup Exchange? Is Exchange installed on the same server where you have Backup exec or is it another server? Is it in a different domain? What is the exact error message in the job log?

Ensure that the account used has the rights as mentioned below:

If the issue persists, revert with details to the questions asked above.