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Final error: 0xe000fe2d - The backup of the item is bad.

Not applicable

I'm having very weird problem with the backup.

I am getting following error message since couple of months but unable to resolve it .

Final error: 0xe000fe2d - The backup of the item is bad.
Final error category: Resource Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65069

and under the exceptions, I am getting following messages:

Backup- \\SER01\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes WARNING: "\\SER01\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\user name [username]Top of Information StoreSent Items 〰〰〰〰㝡摤ㅤ搲㘲㘲ㅥ㔴ち㌴㐰㔲愱昴㔲㈶㜰〰㜳㑢戹㥡㘶㑤っ攴捡㠵㐱ㄲ㌳㌸㡥㐴〰〰〰〰昵㜳〰〰㜳㑢戹㥡㘶㑤っ攴捡㠵㐱ㄲ㌳㌸㡥㐴〰〰〰㐲㘹㕥〰〰European Air Finance conference Dublin" is a corrupt file.

User has confirmed that they have deleted email from the sent item but still I am getting this error message. When I am checking solution (V-79-57344-65069) on the Symantec site, they want me to change registry value and I did that but still having same issue.
If someone could get back to me regarding this issue please...
We are running Exchange 2003 on this server and this server is IBM XSERIES....

Please let me know if you need more information....
