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GRT restore exceptions for machines without RAWS agents

Level 4

Dear All,

I have configured few image backups for vmware virtual machines and there is no RAWS agent installed in those machines. I have selected GRT choice when configuring backup job for these machines so I can have single file/folder restore facility and this does not require RAWS agent on machines.

But when full backup job completes, I receive following exception which does not make sense in my case because I am not willing to protect any application on those specific machines but ONLY Files. The exception is:

Server: "BEXEC-SVR") (Job: "Other-vm-Full") The job completed successfully. However, the following conditions were encountered: Backup Exec was unable to connect to one or more virtual machines and was unable to collect the necessary metadata to restore individual application items. You cannot perform GRT-enabled restores of application data from this backup. You must install the Agent for Windows and the virtual machine tools provided by your host software on the virtual machine.


So the job always shows exception, and never appears as green. Can we do something for this.




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Check the TN below:

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

There are 2 types of GRT

File & Folder GRT - Does not require Remote Agent for backups, but does for restores. Allows granular restores of files and folders.

Application GRT - Requires Remote Agent installed inside VMs for both backups & restores. Allows granular restore from Exchange, AD, Sharepoint & SQL applications.

The above exception is related to Application GRT which requires the Remote Agent to be installed. If the VM doesn't have the above mentioned application, then disable the Application GRT options from the backup job. (As shown in the image)

Employee Accredited Certified
if you have some virtual servers protected with Application GRT and some not then you will have to split the backup job into 2 so that the option can be disabled where not needed.

Level 4

Hello VJware,

Thank you for your reply, I have some machines where I don't have remote agent for backup. When I performed restore of file/folder for one of those server, I was able to successfully restore my files to a network location. Any idea how this is working with out any remote backup agent, like you are mentioning it is required for restores ? I tested this twice without agent and both times I was able to restore.

Application GRT - requires agent installed inside VM for both backup and restore ( this is for exchange SQL etc ) this agent for protection of application & DB comes along with vmware agent of backup exec ? If I buy vmware agent to backup for virtual machine along with application protection, do I need to buy it seperately agent for application and DB ?

Last point understood clearly, Yes my few machines are not having any application protection so I should disable application GRT choice from settings of backup job, this also Colin suggested.


waiting for response.




Level 4

Understood this point clearly.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

1) File & Folder GRT.

Remote Agent is required only if you are running a GRT restore to the original location i.e. to the VM. Redirecting the restoe to a network location doesn't require.

2) Application GRT

The Agent for Applications & Database license is not included with the Agent for VMware & Hyper-V. It comes separately.

Level 4

clear for agent for app & DB, how about other agent which they call as 'agent for windows', it also needs to be bought seperately? OR it is also known as RAWS?

Because one of the backup exec technical engineer told me if I have agent of vmware for backup exec, I can install 'n' number of RAWS on virtual windows machines, so that RAWS is 'agent for windows'?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Agent for Windows also known as RAWS ( Remote Agent for Windows).

And yes, the Agent for VMware & Hyper-V allows you to install unlimited number of RAWS on the VMs.